Nah both Canary will be fine Laurel supposed to be appearing on all shows like Snart is. Dinah was made an official cast member. Ollie babymomma on the other hand...
.....mayhe Talia too. Possible Boomerang and I'm hoping Slade made it
Slade got his lost son loose end to fill in the next season or two. He is gonna make it. Feel like a potential villain muscle to use against Ollie with them holding Slade's son as hostage.
Boomerang is a good villian and decent actor in the Arrorverse. He is probably staying.
WildDog got his kid story-line going on at the moment. He could bite the dust, but he just started to grow on me.
Merlyn gonna keep being the Batman of the series with his disappearing acts.
Most of Chase's baddies are dead.
Basically it could be Chase's Baddies, Ollie's baby momma, Talia, and maybe WildDog. Everyone else seems too important to cut. Wildcard: Lance