Can we all wait and read the facts? I don't understand everything I'm reading from news sites because I don't know legal jargon. What I do understand is that the original criminal case in Canada wasn't pursued so when he settled in the civil case it is considered admission of guilt. Again, I do not understand everything I am reading, but that makes sense to me. The original prosecutor didn't want to pursue the charges because of his political career, so the man who beat him encouraged the case to be reopened.
And please stop calling these white women agents. Bill did this to himself. I'm wondering if many of these women didn't come forward because they didn't want the stigma of sleeping with a black man (even if they were raped) to be attached to them
I don't know what to think, but too many people have made accusations for something to not stick at some point.
This BLACK MAN chose to victimize the women who were attacked. There could be some liars in the group, as much as I am in support of my fellow women I do believe some women are out to make a buck. However, acting as if Bill did nothing wrong is ludicrous.
I'm new to the site and I try to not comment often, but a lot of what I am reading here is blowing my mind.