Are you really a feminist?

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets

how many women of child bearing age do you see on the streets? i see nothing but homeless black men out here on the streets.

yall havent refuted anything but wanna act like im talking nonsense.

I've seen plenty. Let's not play oppression olympics here marcuz, we know that black men suffer. It's not about who suffers the most. It's about being able to be stern in your womanhood and have the freedom to make whatever choices you want. Like I said in my original post, women can be whatever the hell they want and no one should be able to knock your aspirations. It's supposed to make you feel empowered in whatever way, if it's being a wife, a mother, single etc.


May 2, 2012
oh my God. This is what we're talking about women can't talk about ANYTHING that we go through without yall running in talking about "but men go through this" "this happens to men" Yes we know what happens to men, talking about our problems doesn't change that. But we always listen to black men's problems, black women protest for the black men that are killed like dogs, I donated thousands of dollars to the families of black men that were killed. But for some reason yall refuse to listen to anything bw say about what we go through. Anytime we say anything we just get hit in the face with "well black men deal with this"

We can't even talk to each other about our problems without you guys coming in here putting us down for it. Our problems matter to us, even if they mean nothing to you.
what does any of this have to do with feminism? :comeon:

discuss your unique problems all you'd like. just stop pretending like feminism directly addressing them. also stop frontin like yall have it worse when you dont.


May 2, 2012
I've seen plenty. Let's not play oppression olympics here marcuz, we know that black men suffer. It's not about who suffers the most. It's about being able to be stern in your womanhood and have the freedom to make whatever choices you want. Like I said in my original post, women can be whatever the hell they want and no one should be able to knock your aspirations. It's supposed to make you feel empowered in whatever way, if it's being a wife, a mother, single etc.
so what does this have to do with feminism? nothing.

once more, who is trying to restrict your freedom of choice? no one.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
what does any of this have to do with feminism? :comeon:

discuss your unique problems all you'd like. just stop pretending like feminism directly addressing them. also stop frontin like yall have it worse when you dont.

:mindblown: you're the one who brought up black men being killed and being homeless and how men have problems. What does that have to do with feminism?

:snoop: why do you have to turn it into a competition no one is saying anyone has it worse it's just different.


May 2, 2012
:mindblown: you're the one who brought up black men being killed and being homeless and how men have problems. What does that have to do with feminism?

:snoop: why do you have to turn it into a competition no one is saying anyone has it worse it's just different.

so yall are finally throwing out the BW having it harder than BM, double minority rhetoric? i doubt it


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
if women are warriors and rulers, why arent yall building anything on the foundational level? wheres these all female construction teams building and maintaining the phsyical infastructure of any given community?

what valid complaints would you have as a WW? being the global beauty standard? being protected and provided for? always seeing yourself represented in media? hell, WW bytch about pay inequality, when they still earn a lot more than BM. what the fukk do WW have to bytch about? they are the most comfiest women on earth.

hell, you prove my point. you wouldnt feel "2nd class, underpaid, overworked" if you came from a community where the men were financially fit, and were able to remove the burden from your shoulders. but i cant even convince you feminist the real problem is lack of focus on black boys.

miss me with the rest of that bullshyt. BM dont even try to regulate your bodies. we foolishly allow you to have b*stard childrenyou cant support, just because you all want to run shyt

LMAOOO you're clearly wacko sorry but its very apparent in the way you responded.

its historically proven that the world has housed plenty of women rulers and have also had plenty of women warriors. sorry, wasn't aware that if your knowledge was lacking that it means it didnt happen. perhaps a trip to a library or a womens museum would enlighten you further to the contributions of women to their communities and nations around the's a brief little article i just found in less than 1 minute that highlights a group of women "construction teams building and maintaining a physical infrastructure of their given community"

the fact that you dont even house a vagina means you need to kindly take a motherfukking seat as to what validity you can attest to when it comes to doing so. so you can MISS ME with that silly shyt. you sound like a simple ass on the matter, frankly because if you think all women...white ones in particular have to complain about is 2nd rate pay then you're so grossly misguided that no web forum chatter will change that.

i didnt say i feel these ways personally either so dont mince my words and damn sure dont try to use them in any other context other than presented. i'm well educated and articulate and choose my words with care. i said exactly what i said because most women can relate and it resonates with us because simply owning a vagina automatically qualifies us all for terror and mistreatment your dikk would pull back into your body over. in my personal world the men in my life are more than financially fit thats why i have some sense about me...and im not out here living this weird chicken head baby mama shyt you seem so fond of referencing

you're lookin real silly out here trying to win some weird battle thats not even one in the first keep throwing this bm bw shyt in the mix for whatever reason im not sure about other than to fuel your rediculous argument...

again you know what black women do because you are one...or because you have a real fukked up example of live ones in your life? because if neither of those is true and i know the first isn't then wtf are you talking about. black marriage and black love is real and there are plenty of non b*stardized kids of color that are flourishing.

LMAO @ "we foolishly allow you to have......" that entire statement is why we're up in here because nobody allows a woman to have a child except herself. she needs to have her garden watered by a man for conception but no man allows any part of that process to occur...thats not in your power

i love how when i reply and confront these silly negros on here they use the same weird reply technique and try to pick and choose portions of my insight to best serve their silly ass responses. speak fully to the things i laid out or dont reply to me. i will not sit here and lie like you're not all up under my skin because again i ask how is this weird position of yours serving you, any woman you know, your community, your own family?

its also super funny to me how a non female person thinks they have some massive insight on womens struggles.

and kicked down is a term used that clearly reference poor treatment in a general way...please dont play coy or dumb

and life bringer...duh...where does a baby spend its time developing? it damn sure isnt inside a a mans ballsack. its another way how i describe women because it is apart of our gift of exisetnce to harbor and sustain new life as it develops...again dont play like you couldnt put 2 & 2 together

healthcare for women in particularly mothers in this country is atrocious. thats so real that i cant even speak on it without feeling compelled to create another thread on that topic alone.

i actually have work to do back in the real world to tho too so while im willing to play this back n forth game for a moment in time....i'll likely pay it to the shade soooooo sir Marcuz you have a great rest of the day and evening and i sincerely hope you take just a moment to read and observe better...actually take the insight offered from real women that are living in the same time and plane as you ...its really not some weird game competition. black women need black men and black men need black women...the constant state of versus is old and tired and is really the issue you seem to be sprung over....womens rights has a small role in that regard

peace to the rest of the queens in here


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
A real black woman is empowered by being called a bytch and a ho. Hates herself enough to empathize with black men who thinks other women are more superior, and will take bullets for brothers who call her dark butt.
What bout blue butts?


May 2, 2012
LMAOOO you're clearly wacko sorry but its very apparent in the way you responded.

its historically proven that the world has housed plenty of women rulers and have also had plenty of women warriors. sorry, wasn't aware that if your knowledge was lacking that it means it didnt happen. perhaps a trip to a library or a womens museum would enlighten you further to the contributions of women to their communities and nations around the's a brief little article i just found in less than 1 minute that highlights a group of women "construction teams building and maintaining a physical infrastructure of their given community"

what a pathetic example that clearly outlines the exception and not the rule. you had to jump to another country to prove a point; even though we all can see that its predominately men that do the building and maintaining.

the fact that you dont even house a vagina means you need to kindly take a motherfukking seat as to what validity you can attest to when it comes to doing so. so you can MISS ME with that silly shyt. you sound like a simple ass on the matter, frankly because if you think all women...white ones in particular have to complain about is 2nd rate pay then you're so grossly misguided that no web forum chatter will change that.

you type too much without making a point. i asked you a simple question that you avoided. what do white women have to complain about?

i didnt say i feel these ways personally either so dont mince my words and damn sure dont try to use them in any other context other than presented. i'm well educated and articulate and choose my words with care. i said exactly what i said because most women can relate and it resonates with us because simply owning a vagina automatically qualifies us all for terror and mistreatment your dikk would pull back into your body over. in my personal world the men in my life are more than financially fit thats why i have some sense about me...and im not out here living this weird chicken head baby mama shyt you seem so fond of referencing


you're lookin real silly out here trying to win some weird battle thats not even one in the first keep throwing this bm bw shyt in the mix for whatever reason im not sure about other than to fuel your rediculous argument...

again you know what black women do because you are one...or because you have a real fukked up example of live ones in your life? because if neither of those is true and i know the first isn't then wtf are you talking about. black marriage and black love is real and there are plenty of non b*stardized kids of color that are flourishing.

i dont have to be a woman to know feminism is bullshyt. which is why yall cant name anything its done for BW in the last 20-30 years.

LMAO @ "we foolishly allow you to have......" that entire statement is why we're up in here because nobody allows a woman to have a child except herself. she needs to have her garden watered by a man for conception but no man allows any part of that process to occur...thats not in your power

yea, we know. even though your egg is useless without living sperm; your body, your rights. all well and hood til we ask why yall having all these b*stard babies with deadbeats. then you immediately jump back to male accountability and female victimhood.

i love how when i reply and confront these silly negros on here they use the same weird reply technique and try to pick and choose portions of my insight to best serve their silly ass responses. speak fully to the things i laid out or dont reply to me. i will not sit here and lie like you're not all up under my skin because again i ask how is this weird position of yours serving you, any woman you know, your community, your own family?

it serves the women in my life greatly, as im still a patriarchal dinosaur that understands women want to be provided for.

its also super funny to me how a non female person thinks they have some massive insight on womens struggles.

what struggles do you have thats not directly to race?

and kicked down is a term used that clearly reference poor treatment in a general way...please dont play coy or dumb

and life bringer...duh...where does a baby spend its time developing? it damn sure isnt inside a a mans ballsack. its another way how i describe women because it is apart of our gift of exisetnce to harbor and sustain new life as it develops...again dont play like you couldnt put 2 & 2 together

oh cut the shyt. you're not gods gift to humanity just because you can lay on your back and pop out a kid. you still didnt explain how yall are being treated poorly just for being mothers.

healthcare for women in particularly mothers in this country is atrocious. thats so real that i cant even speak on it without feeling compelled to create another thread on that topic alone.

funny because black feminism isnt doing fukk all to increase the quality of healthcare for BW


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I believe in it. Men dont understand feminism, they feel threatened by it. It just means the freedom of choice for women. We can do whatever the hell we want, be it a stay at home mom, a career woman, etc. I have a problem with a stigma being attached to feminism, mainly because it's attached to white women who've made a farce out of the whole thing. As for me, I can do whatever the hell I want. If I want to be a stay at home mom, or a career woman, or a married woman who tends to her husband's needs I will do that and nobody can take away my womanhood from me. I think that's important. That's what I stand for.

In this sense I am not a feminist. I do not strictly really believe women should be able to do "whatever they want". I believe women should be able to do what they want within reason. I place the same limitations on men.