Are you ready for Prometheus???!!???

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
that's the problem. In 2012 people want to be beat over the head with answers instead of thinking for themselves.

I know some of you are going to look at that statement with the " :childplease: " face but it's true..

The writers and Ridley never intended on filling in all the "blanks".

People in here are confusing ambiguous storytelling with "plot holes". Ridley knows the answers and even said that if you look deep enough you will find them for yourself but he's not in the business of simplifying everything and telling a generic plot from point A to point B.

naw fam gotta disagree with you on that :leostare:


Hold G's, Guns, and Grams...
May 1, 2012
Just got back from seeing it, and I was blown away.. It was an excellent movie, great great visuals..

*in Will Smith voice*

Why don' the engineers want us? :sadcam: :sadbron:


May 1, 2012
yeah, that shyt is dumb as fukk... that some shyt u get when u dont pay any fukking attention, and want your damn religion to always be the focus

clearly in the movie, they found the 2000 yr old decapitated jockey head, not because he was going to earth, but cuz he was running from some shyt, unless jesus was in the caves running that nikka down, causing him to pass out and get his head chopped off by a closing door

side note, charlize theron shoulda learned how to do proper pushups

It's looking more likely that

somehow Jesus is involved.

From an interview with Ridley Scott: You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?

RS: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, “Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.

Dialogue: Sir Ridley Scott Explains 'Prometheus,' Explores Our Past, and Teases Future 'Alien' Stories | Movie News |

Damond Lindelof also alludes to the same shyt:
We’ve seen the film which is about ‘ok, we’ve unleashed this creature’ and Prometheus is more about who made us, why did they make us and now this question of why do they want to destroy us? Is it at arbitrary as being done with this petri dish, or did we do something to deserve it. This is the fundamental question that we ask ourselves especially when something bad befalls us. This idea of fundamental judgement weigh in. All these questions were on the table and yes, there were drafts with more specifically spelled out versions. Ridley’s instinct was to pull back and I’d say ‘I’m still eating shyt a year on from the end of Lost where we didn’t directly spell everything out – are you sure you want to do this?’ He would rather have had people fighting against it and not know then spell it out. I know its obnoxious to say that you should see the movie a couple of times to really appreciate it but that is how the movie was designed – things that seem throwaway, for example when they do the carbon dating of the dead Engineer and realise that he’s been dead for two thousand years and you think ‘if two thousand years ago The Engineers decided to wipe us out what happened back then?’ Is there any correlation between what was happening on the Earth two thousand years ago and this decision? Could a sequel start in that time period and begin to contextualize what we did to piss these beings off?
Prometheus Writer Damon Lindelof talks Engineers, Alien Family Tree & the Sequel's Opening Scene

May 3, 2012
( o Y o )

But you and Ridley know, in your mind, exactly what is happening here?
Yeah, and if enough people go and see the movie and if there’s a real sense of people wanting there to be another one then the second movie would clearly answer the question of what did we do to deserve this.

:beli: And there you have it...I'm done wit the Q&A circus, speculations and assumptions. I'll wait for the sequel.


No nice guys in boxing
May 5, 2012
i think i realized what that black goo was

the black goo transforms things. it transformed the maggots in the pyramid, it transformed the geologist into a zombie, and it transformed the fetus that was created when shaw and holloway had sex into a super sized monster fetus that attacked the engineer, and it was probably going to transform holloway into a zombie just like the geologist.

the black goo is alive. its a parasite that starts as goo and infects any kind of life (even a fetus) and transforms it into different kinds of creatures eg the parasite cobra from the temple, the geologist zombie, shaw's monster fetus, and ultimately the aliens/xenomorphs. they probably all have acid blood and a oral impregnation mechanism like the cobra parasite and the monster fetus were shown as having just like the aliens/xenomorphs have. this is the way that the black goo reproduces and spreads

i think the engineers were keeping the black goo in those vases as basically jails.

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
i think i realized what that black goo was

the black goo transforms things. it transformed the maggots in the pyramid, it transformed the geologist into a zombie, and it transformed the fetus that was created when shaw and holloway had sex into a super sized monster fetus that attacked the engineer, and it was probably going to transform holloway into a zombie just like the geologist.

the black goo is alive. its a parasite that starts as goo and infects any kind of life (even a fetus) and transforms it into different kinds of creatures eg the parasite cobra from the temple, the geologist zombie, shaw's monster fetus, and ultimately the aliens/xenomorphs. they probably all have acid blood and a oral impregnation mechanism like the cobra parasite and the monster fetus were shown as having just like the aliens/xenomorphs have. this is the way that the black goo reproduces and spreads

i think the engineers were keeping the black goo in those vases as basically jails.

someone said the black goo was DNA in its purest form

but why does everything it touches go evil? just like the cube in transformers?

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Ok breh's

The Engineers birth humans by accident. that black "goo" melecular structure changes in a negative way when it comes in contact with "earth like" atmospheres meaning the right amount of oxegyn and nitrogen. Those engineers were explorers as well and had probably visited our solar system plenty of times. Once they discovered what happened, the revisited the track man's evolution on on earth and had probaby conducted different studies and tests. And those "maps or invitatons" were not meant for humans, some engineers stayed and it was a way for them to get back to that planet. I mean why the hell would they leave maps for primative beings that possessed no technology whatsoever. The power of the black goo again was activated by earth like atmospheres and the engineers were able to successfully duplicate it on that planet. when the humans unlocked that chamber however, they exposed the goo to it and well unleashed it. Now, here's the kicker, at the beginning of the movie, the black goo instantly killed duke, over time the engineers tried to harness it's power after they saw how it built life on planet earth and the plan was to basically go back and re-engineer planet earth all together which would require mans destruction. Man was nothing more than guinea pigs to the engineers so why they would kill man is irrelavant. Earth was to become it's new home probably because it's world was dying and they were stocking enough goo to probably transform the entire planet. Again, you have to look at how the goo reacted initially on planet earth. Totally different than even in that chamber which was earth like conditions but not quite. Those engineers probably tested that goo out on that particular planet with no so great results as well which is also why they were all running and wore those ugly ass masks. ONE alien was a result but since there were multiple ships there had to have been more engineers which will lead to more aliens probably.

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Ok breh's

The Engineers birth humans by accident. that black "goo" melecular structure changes in a negative way when it comes in contact with "earth like" atmospheres meaning the right amount of oxegyn and nitrogen. Those engineers were explorers as well and had probably visited our solar system plenty of times. Once they discovered what happened, the revisited the track man's evolution on on earth and had probaby conducted different studies and tests. And those "maps or invitatons" were not meant for humans, some engineers stayed and it was a way for them to get back to that planet. I mean why the hell would they leave maps for primative beings that possessed no technology whatsoever. The power of the black goo again was activated by earth like atmospheres and the engineers were able to successfully duplicate it on that planet. when the humans unlocked that chamber however, they exposed the goo to it and well unleashed it. Now, here's the kicker, at the beginning of the movie, the black goo instantly killed duke, over time the engineers tried to harness it's power after they saw how it built life on planet earth and the plan was to basically go back and re-engineer planet earth all together which would require mans destruction. Man was nothing more than guinea pigs to the engineers so why they would kill man is irrelavant. Earth was to become it's new home probably because it's world was dying and they were stocking enough goo to probably transform the entire planet. Again, you have to look at how the goo reacted initially on planet earth. Totally different than even in that chamber which was earth like conditions but not quite. Those engineers probably tested that goo out on that particular planet with no so great results as well which is also why they were all running and wore those ugly ass masks. ONE alien was a result but since there were multiple ships there had to have been more engineers which will lead to more aliens probably.

Interesting but naw that just sounds like more theory...

Even Ridley Scott disagrees with you... The Humans weren't accidents and you completely missed the Jesus/2000 Years Ago tie-in...

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Interesting but naw that just sounds like more theory...

Even Ridley Scott disagrees with you... The Humans weren't accidents and you completely missed the Jesus/2000 Years Ago tie-in...

The whole religous angle is bullshyt and is merely a ploy to get more people to watch it. that theory also conflicts with the script/dialogue. Maybe that's what he originally intended, but changed this mind because it just doesn't fit.

For one, from a religous stand point, how is those big ass engineers with advanced technology gonna let some weak ass romans crucify him? Now if they would've taken the David and Goliath angle with the engineer being Goliath then I could somewhat buy that. Ridley is just trying to confuse shyt for the sake of confusing it. Most of what I said is partially based on theory but it's also based a lot of what happened in the movie.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Just got back from watching it.. :snoop:

It was crap.

The story is all over the place. good lord. Stargate and the original Alien executed this story 10x hell 20x better than what this did. The visuals excel but the story and acting is left to be desired. in the film, I got the feeling that nobody actually gave a shyt about anything or anyone. If you're going to make the greatest discovery of mankind and least act like it. These cats were ho hum about everything, them landing on that new planet was no more exciting than a pilot landing into Cleveland. It didn't know whether it wanted to be a science fiction 2001 type odyssey, a horror film, a arthouse flick, etc. It was like a mashup of every popular science fiction/action film you've ever seen. Cliche as hell.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
:stopitslime: Oh really? If the story is explained fully then tell me how at the beginning of Alien the engineer is in the seat dead with his chest wide open and at the end of Prometheus...
the engineer killed at the end was supposedly the last one alive?
Thats the kind of legit questions that people have.

Remember David says there's other ships? I'm sure there were other engineers still alive in them as well, still chilling in their hyperbolic chambers.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Even the extras were off. didn't they supposed to have like 17 people onboard? where did all those extras come in after that :wtf: First everybody on board is in street clothes but the Charlize Theron character is in a Star Trek suit
then later you see old dude and he's got his own personal security and physicians decked out in Star Trek suits.. the extras fighting the infected dude in the bridge part of the ship(I didn't get that storyline about dude at all).. but it was like where are all these people coming from? nothing matched.. you had all hell breaking loose outside but inside people were like ladi-da/ho hum on some :smoker: shyt. The black goo- what's complete story on that shyt?

-you know that Prometheus was? Its was the one bad season of the television show Lost but in outer space. The black goo is the smoke monster, The Robot is Jacob, Irdis Is Eko, etc