It's not a competing interest. If I hired Dawn Staley tomorrow that covers every base. It doesn't have to be one or the other in theory.
Since you brought it up, there's 7 black head coaches in the NBA. There have been more in the past. There have been less. The coach simply being black isn't the deal breaker in terms of whether they're hired or not. There's an avenue for black coaches to get to where they wanna be. The same can't be said for women because even being in Becky Hammon's situation is something only 2 people can understand (her and Lieberman). The pathway to building up a resume that teams will look at is much tougher. That's why they'll always be viewed as not qualified enough. How can that be changed? It's worth looking into. You're interested in ADDING more black head coaches. Those women would be overjoyed if even ONE female broke through. Therein lies the difference.