I would NEVER do those things around my bf/husband. omg. For tips though, poopourri works! If I had to go, I would use poopourri and go into a bathroom on a secluded part of the house. If it was vacation or something and only one bathroom, I'd wait until he leaves, or make up an excusse for him to leave and lock him out until I'm done. I can't poop in public either. I always wait until I get home.
& Jayne, I get what you're saying about the food thing too. Lots of girls are/were like that, idk why.
Cinna's post reminded me of another reason why I've always wanted an older brother. I think women who grew up with older brothers are better with men, are more comfortable with them and don't worry much about little things like this. They were probably never shy/nervous around the males they liked when they were younger either.