I'm in pre-algebra sir and was in resource math in highschool.
I'm passing but I only plan to go up as far as a need to go for the degree I need and going farther than that isn't compatible with my transfer plan.
I'm studying more than I ever have, I'm seeing a tutor daily, I'm getting more work done, working ahead, understanding it more and actually figuring out things I didn't know prior without help and I'm more confident in my man ability so I know it's conducive with the work I put in.
But it's still miserable busy work imo that I'd never want to base a career off of and I don't need you to come in and try to tell me what's best for me in terms of what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, I have school counselors for that if I need it.
I am only relaying what I know based on other people in those fields. It is a fact that that social workers a low-skilled (why not learn how to basket weave? At least you can do something with that). It is a fact that they have little upward mobility in regards to wealth building. But by all means become one. Be beholden to whites your whole life. I am glad I didn't make that mistake.
I know what's best for Black males and females seeing that I live in the real world and am not clouded by naive thoughts. That, and I also tend to read more books. You asked, "... actually fighting for the progression of Black America", and me pointing out that becoming a social worker is signing your life away to bureaucratic work and always being an employee, is apart of me fighting for Black progression.
Hopefully other young kids read this and shy away from what you're doing, and actually try to be something more than a lackey to white people.
Actually I've used statistics on the amount of people who "date out" to refute black woman bashing before.
And the only point I was trying to make was on the mentality people had towards it not the amount of people in one so no once again.
Like I said in various other threads, including that one, opinions can change overnight. I don't really care how many Black people approve of interracial marriage today. If tomorrow I employ 1 million of them, I can probably change the opinion of 200k of them. That will have a cascading effect. Public opinion means nothing really. It only corresponds to various biases of those that control the public opinion. This has been shown case study after case study.
Sort of like the study of Black males and females being viewed less attractive where it concerns dating/marriage. If I ask a white person, "do you support interracial marriage", the likely answer will be yes seeing that such a person doesn't want to come off as rude or insensitive, or s/he truly believe it. Take that same white person, and I doubt he/she would date a Black person or consider dating a Black person simply based off of race/skin alone. The subconscious thoughts influence the actions, and just so happens that Black people are viewed as less, are seen as less, and are valued to be less than whites. That is why you see a constant trend no matter what people say in regards to social issues. Whites stick with whites, Blacks stick with Blacks, etc... And to be completely honest, a lot of trashy, low-down white females date Black males. And it just so happens to be more white females that are trashy since the majority of the country is white.
So the asking point was, "are we going to be seen as a fringe group that will be ignored?" No, not amongst Blacks. The Economist (I believe) released an article this year detailing that Black millennials and up are going to see a DECLINE in wealth and earning potential than other races. In other words, as Dr. Claude Anderson put it, Blacks will be made into a permanent underclass in America. So interracial marriages will actually plummet seeing that the already undesirable Blacks are going to be even more undesirable in the eyes of the public. We will be seen as more of a nuisance than anything else.
One of the reasons for this projection by economists and the like is due to, in my opinion, lack of fathers and foolishness. The males would rather undertake the most low-skilled, easiest of tasks than try to do something that requires effort. This springs from lack of fatherhood and more feminine energy in the home.
"I am not doing it for the money"? Remember that line when you are 35 yrs old. Everything in this life is about resources/money. You want to help people but you failed at realizing the basics of helping people. People need resources to help them out of their downtrodden situation. A wealthy person can be a better social worker than you simply because he/she can PRODUCE more than you can, he/she can reach a lot more people and such a person isn't bound by the hands of an employer or bureaucratic system. Not to mention such a person can INFLUENCE more people.
Everything is about wealth/money because that is a resource, and life depends on resources. You lack the basics and are ardently defiant that you would rather stick to your own, foolish opinion, than listen to others.