I am only relaying what I know based on other people in those fields. It is a fact that that social workers a low-skilled (why not learn how to basket weave? At least you can do something with that). It is a fact that they have little upward mobility in regards to wealth building. But by all means become one. Be beholden to whites your whole life. I am glad I didn't make that mistake.
I know what's best for Black males and females seeing that I live in the real world and am not clouded by naive thoughts. That, and I also tend to read more books. You asked, "... actually fighting for the progression of Black America", and me pointing out that becoming a social worker is signing your life away to bureaucratic work and always being an employee, is apart of me fighting for Black progression.
Hopefully other young kids read this and shy away from what you're doing, and actually try to be something more than a lackey to white people.
Like I said in various other threads, including that one, opinions can change overnight. I don't really care how many Black people approve of interracial marriage today. If tomorrow I employ 1 million of them, I can probably change the opinion of 200k of them. That will have a cascading effect. Public opinion means nothing really. It only corresponds to various biases of those that control the public opinion. This has been shown case study after case study.
Sort of like the study of Black males and females being viewed less attractive where it concerns dating/marriage. If I ask a white person, "do you support interracial marriage", the likely answer will be yes seeing that such a person doesn't want to come off as rude or insensitive, or s/he truly believe it. Take that same white person, and I doubt he/she would date a Black person or consider dating a Black person simply based off of race/skin alone. The subconscious thoughts influence the actions, and just so happens that Black people are viewed as less, are seen as less, and are valued to be less than whites. That is why you see a constant trend no matter what people say in regards to social issues. Whites stick with whites, Blacks stick with Blacks, etc... And to be completely honest, a lot of trashy, low-down white females date Black males. And it just so happens to be more white females that are trashy since the majority of the country is white.
So the asking point was, "are we going to be seen as a fringe group that will be ignored?" No, not amongst Blacks. The Economist (I believe) released an article this year detailing that Black millennials and up are going to see a DECLINE in wealth and earning potential than other races. In other words, as Dr. Claude Anderson put it, Blacks will be made into a permanent underclass in America. So interracial marriages will actually plummet seeing that the already undesirable Blacks are going to be even more undesirable in the eyes of the public. We will be seen as more of a nuisance than anything else.
One of the reasons for this projection by economists and the like is due to, in my opinion, lack of fathers and foolishness. The males would rather undertake the most low-skilled, easiest of tasks than try to do something that requires effort. This springs from lack of fatherhood and more feminine energy in the home.
"I am not doing it for the money"? Remember that line when you are 35 yrs old. Everything in this life is about resources/money. You want to help people but you failed at realizing the basics of helping people. People need resources to help them out of their downtrodden situation. A wealthy person can be a better social worker than you simply because he/she can PRODUCE more than you can, he/she can reach a lot more people and such a person isn't bound by the hands of an employer or bureaucratic system. Not to mention such a person can INFLUENCE more people.
Everything is about wealth/money because that is a resource, and life depends on resources. You lack the basics and are ardently defiant that you would rather stick to your own, foolish opinion, than listen to others.
I've never claimed to be fighting for the progression of Black Americans on this site on the level that you're trying to act like I am so I can't be held to that standard.
I've repeatedly said the extent of any "activism" I do is letting people know about black history when I can an arguing against racism and racial ignorance when I can which is all I plan to do for the near future.
That was just an example given to him to answer his question as a possible avenue I could take based on my schooling, not as a result of a career as a social worker. Because like I mentioned in that post it's possible to take the schooling path to become a social worker and find a different avenue of work.
And social work is a valuable profession that i've personally seen the worth of even if you think it's just being a lackey for white people so

with that bullshyt, some of the best black people I know are social workers and you can't just diminish their life's work just because you think it's absurd for black people to be government employees.
I'm not going to retread on the topic of interracial relationships again, you aren't telling me anything I don't know or at least haven't considered. We just take a different outlook on how the acceptance of interracial relationships and the amount of people in interracial relationships and the interracial babies being born will affect interracial dating and perception of black and white people in the future and whether or not the stance thecoli takes on it would push people away.
And once again you have it wrong. I said I'm not going to choose a career JUST because it will make me money, meaning that money is a priority but isn't the only one and after measuring my skills, interests, and history with help from multiple adults I trust more than you I decided that this would be my proper career path.
Just because you're some STEM elitist that doesn't mean people can't make a decent living in other professions.
I chose this because the schooling I get could open up different options for me than being a social worker and if I do choose to become a social worker then I could make a decent living, it's not like i'm trying to get a degree in acting or something.
But yes it's the equivalent of basket weaving.
And the rest of your post is irrelevant to the content of mine and made up of baseless assumptions.
I don't see how you can take me not wanting to base the rest of my life solely on money and instead wanting to balance it on what I personally believe i'm capable, am interested in, is the most reasonable path for me based on time and money, and can make me a decent living.
And then turn it into me not understanding the lack of agency that comes when a community lacks the money needed to influence legislation and help social mobility in a capitalistic society.
And i'm not saying that I completely do because I'm a new college student, only eighteen years old, and a few Dr.Claude Anderson videos from thecoli aren't equivalent to extensive readings or lectures.
But I do know some things about it and my political beliefs reflect that as well does a post I made earlier in this thread before you mentioned it and so does many other things that I really don't care to mention right now because I need to go to sleep.
Not everyone is built for making a Homeboys industry.
(Also there's community development social work which at least reflects some of what you're saying)
The next time you come into a thread of mine either reply to me either reply to me based on the actual content of my posts or go suck a cock and don't reply at all.
I don't need some coli poster to try and father me.

At these nikkas getting bodied by a 18 year old.
I don't even agree with him on everything, but I absolutely respect the fact he stands tall and doesn't let nobody try to use age to box him in, especially on his career choice.

Kudos yung brogod.

And @ that bytch ass nikka
@1984. We seen how you truly feel about black people you coward ass "

eww, you're blocked." fukkboy.
People think that if you're young an have the audacity to have an opinion you're inherently acting as though you know everything.
I'm just a person with an opinion and by conversing with people now I can be more well rounded as I grow older and I learn more and my views change.