It's not necessarily an active fight against mixed-race babies. It's an active fight against colorism and the privilege those babies will receive over full blacks. You might think we're bigots, but white privilege and by extension colorism privilege exist. But whatever.....
Colorism is real, I don't deny that.
And I can see how a boost in interracial people could impede the goal of group economics or generational wealth that many people on here want to achieve.
My point though, is that when humans of different races are in close proximity to each other being that we're all human fukking is inevitable and that the point of no return in interracial relationships has already been passed, one of those reasons being that these mixed babies are going to have to grow up and marry someone one day.
It may not be you, but it very well may be one of your children, and if not them your children's children.
Also that because the public perception on them has changed so much and many people have loved ones in interracial relationships it's going to incredibly hard to change their minds and it's going to be hard to convince them to say fukk their loved ones.
I've seen many people who could be good allies that thecoli doesn't want because they're in interracial relationships.
So in my mind it's wasted activity and unneeded bitterness.