"The new children are bad" is a common refrain from older people to the point I genuinely tune it out. That being said I think the troubling thing about young children today is the lack of communication and social skills that are regularly reported. Whether people want to blame tablets or quarantine, a lot of small children (and teens) really struggle to express themselves and process things. The other thing that ties a lot of this together is the various studies and school reports showing that large percentages of students are failing basic shyt like reading and writing. Not even talking about math, which is bad too obviously. We've got a couple generations stacked up that don't read...at all. A pretty stark difference from when I was a kid and Harry Potter or Goosebumps or Hunger Games etc were regularly being read.
Over 50% of American adults lack proficiency in reading, so it ain't like the grown folks are doing much better on that front. And 60 Minutes did a segment on his kids dealing with the pandemic. One of the things they highlighted was the lack of socialization and how it affected their transition back to school.