You’ll see 3 or 4 of em in chicago real soon @Stringer Cochran 

Mexican females are choosing black men in Chicagoland area and Milwaukee it’s going to be a lot of blaxican Kids in the near futureshyt i know afew blaxicans here in wisconsin.
Honestly I never seen a ambiguous looking or white passing blaxican most blaxican women I seen that have light skin look like crystal Westbrooks who is also blaxican I believe my girl is the same Complexion as crystal she just have a tighter curl patternProbably depends on how Hispanic they look. Especially if they are light skinned or ambiguous looking. I know some half black Caribbean Hispanics that are the same way.
Was her parents together? My girl has issues with her Mexican side because they sneak diss black people a lot my girl parents have been married for almost 22 years and they still hate my father in law he is a hard working black man that has a great job at CN railroad she said the men hate the fact that he is doing better then all of them and he is not the Stereo typical black man they told their daughters to stay away from.yeah my ex was black and mexican. seemed like he had issues with the black part
Common in Central Texas
CorrectCentral TX got the most Mulattos and blaxicqns I’ve ever seen