but y’all the ones saying nikka and u got Tupac as an avi. Shut yo wet bacc ass up , we literally beat on y’all in Cali . bytch u some square ass civilian from the weak ass Bay. U don’t even own a cuete, y’all northern mexicans are the most ridiculed in Cali and u know it. Y’all can’t even travel to So Cal cuz y’all own people will beat y’all assU are a NON THREAT. Fake ass mexicans
Oh if I listen to Tupac I'm a wanna be black gtfo
p*ssy boy, and stop speaking on mexican gangs like u hang out with us homo,northern cali is ran by Northern mexicans and Southern cali is ran by Southern mexicans that's 2 gangs the run all of cali black gangs don't want any issues, lmao and in what imaginary world are u beating us up at? Let's face reality blacks only pick on the old or attack when they have the number's when the number's are even u bytch up, that's why in prison you guys don't want no drama and know who really runs california fakkit.