That was actually Jason 1 showing up to store after Jason 6 if you watch the credits and the subtitles
Jason 2 is at home with Charlie and Daniela which we Jason 1 or 6 watching in the backyard
In previous episode while visiting the Blond Daniela, we are introduce to a third Jason....
just watched the scenes again and its actually Jason6 who shows up at the gun store after Jason1
also thats Jason1 who visits the blonde Daniela
Jason6 is the one with the splint on his finger
Jason1 has the rope or whatever it is tied around his finger as a makeshift wedding ring
what I did find interesting after rewatching that scene and the one right after is they refer to blonde Daniela as “Daniela 5” and in the very next scene when Amanda is spying on the other Amanda who is leaving out the house with her husband and kid, they refer to her as Amanda 4
how does 2 people from that are supposedly from the same world have different numbers?
How is Daniela 5 and Amanda 4 in the same world?
did one of the come from a different world?
they did say the Amanda from the world that the OG Amanda stayed in had been missing for almost 2 years
Is it possible she might be in a different world?
Now im wondering do they number the characters by world or by appearance? meaning if they are in world 3 is everyone from that world a 3(Jason3 Amanda3 Daniela3 etc) or are they numbering them by appearance meaning Jason6 is the 6th Jason we’ve seen so far,Amanda4 is the 4th Amanda we’ve seen so far,Daniela5 is the 5th Daniela we’ve seen,etc
I think im gonna go back and rewatch all the episodes with audio description on to see what else was missed