Apparently there are trans who are waking up to smell the music

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch

:scust:WTF. The sub need it be nuked


Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
I have no doubt that some medical professionals will sell dreams to make a buck but at the same time, blunt realistic conversation, criticism and concern are too often labeled transphobic and bigoted. Isn’t that what they wanted? Express customer service? And now he’s facing the flip side of the trans echo chamber. They silence and gaslight each other. His choice of words also hints at fetishism. And now he’s sad because he basically opted for castration via a pseudovagina and can no longer get his jollies. The gender critical “haters” comment is why I have no compassion. What we’ve been saying is exactly what he’s now finding out. TRAs railed and rallied for total compliance so enjoy the harvest of mangled body to match the mind.

and that’s the fukked it part. You speak on this shyt rationally and all of a sudden you’re a hater or phobic or whatever.

when the inmates start the run the prison this is what you get. Because no average person can progress with this aside from dressing up like a man/woman. Some medical professional has to supply them with the hormones and ultimately perform the damn surgeries. And for this, licenses need to be revoked because all of it is an ethical minefield or Babylon fukkery.

enough already. No one wants to figure out how to solve homelessness or even cure the common cold yet we’re looking for “solutions” to problems that don’t even exist because some dorks didn’t get raised by a masculine father or have mommy issues or parents who let them dig around in makeup at 4 instead of watching cartoons.

it’s wild and not what I’d call “evolving”. I’m sure humans 1000 years ago didn’t even consider this bullshyt because they had real shyt to focus on like establishing civilizations. these present day dummies have it too easy when they are so “bored” they they have time for some butcher to craft their a$$hole into a fake twat that smells like dirty diapers.


Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch

That's what happens when you're not sure you're about that life. I work in healthcare and so I've had to learn a lot about trans people. Before they can do any surgery what is SUPPOSED to happen is this:

1. They are supposed to see a psychiatrist and be assessed for months. They are then supposed to meet the criteria for gender dysmorphia or gender identity disorder. It's at this point where a lot of people get screened out. If they get on anti depressants and recieve counselling they will either find that they're not really transgender or they find out they are.

2. If they are diagnosed, they are supposed to live as the gender they identify with for at LEAST one year. Dressing like a man or woman, talking like one etc. If they cant do that, then they arent getting any hormones or surgery.

Some people want to bypass all of that and they get their own hormones online, or they go to a counsellor who just basically acts as a rubber stamp instead of trying to assist with treating any mental health disorders they may have, and then they connect with pressure groups and put pressure on physicians to prescribe hormones or diagnose, and basically force their way into getting the surgery.

This is of course the natural result of all that.

fukk that.

the litmus test should be since you wanna do this, can you outrun some automatic gunfire. If you can then you can get your surgery tomorrow. If not then tell God I said hi.