75% of this video (likely more) is of him proclaiming since AOC is the most left in the party (which can easily be a bad/negative thing btw), holding her feet to the fire is some kind of malpractice that no true Dem or progressive would be a part of. At one point, he literally says if you don’t side for the Dems against the Repubs, you’re not a real Dem/progressive...

He hardly touches on the actual critiques Jimmy sends AOC’s way. He doesn’t mention how she CAMPAIGNED saying Pelosi (who has worse ratings than Trump btw) needed to GTFOH, but now she’s Mama Bear and NO ONE that can replace her. She CAMPAIGNED expressing something in vein like ‘So what if you only serve only term in Congress, it doesn’t take x amount of years to get M4A done, we can do it NOW.’ These are some of the main reasons she was elected.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s def maturity involved in her ways/decisions now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some compliance & careerism taking place either. I refuse to take these one-side of the bird people seriously moving into 2021. This dude clearly worships AOC & prolly wants to shag her more than anything.
Anyone from the squad not standing up to their bosses for the people during this time are sellouts. Don’t talk to me about no committee assignments, capital expense preservation, not enough votes, potential running of AOC, or whatever other fukking excuse. If you feel otherwise, I suggest you get your head out your ass & actually read about what’s happening in our country RIGHT NOW. We’re talking the longest food lines in history, 10+ million ppl lost health insurance cause of their employment shutting down/letting ppl go, a range somewhere of 19 - 35 million potential evictions/foreclosures in the first quarter of 2021. A mass exodus is taking place in major cities where everyone is leaving. Crime in major cities are back to the 80’s & 90’s levels. Theres a wave of burglary taking place across the U.S for canned goods, baby formula, and medicine. Plus Trump just pumped fake with that veto. We need action to take place NOW. Not in 2024. NOW.
Unless you think that vaccine is actually going to get distributed to everyone by February 1st & the world will be fully reopened & back to normal

I have YET to see proof of AOC voting against the Cares Act btw. I wish there was a way to expose the ignoramus claiming she voted against it without evidence. They take what she’s tweeted as truth even though there’s AUDIO of these votes...
I give him props for the segment towards the end, where he says something like “Alright I’m going to give it to you straight”. He proceeds to give possibly the most concise critique for the pushing of M4A. Passing something like M4A is an enormous legislative undertaking that will prolly take months/years to fulfill. So the notion that it’ll all fall into place we just need to put it on the floor now, etc is kind of bad. But he loses me when he ties this initiative to only covid. Why is that? I guess he doesn’t believe the medical wellbeing of nations people is a basic human right, like the other modern nations around the globe that spend less & cover more people. To that I say he’s the one whose not a progressive