AOC & Congressional Progressives push back on Jimmy Dore and premature Medicare For All floor votes


Next stop is...
Jun 5, 2012
Bronx, New York

75% of this video (likely more) is of him proclaiming since AOC is the most left in the party (which can easily be a bad/negative thing btw), holding her feet to the fire is some kind of malpractice that no true Dem or progressive would be a part of. At one point, he literally says if you don’t side for the Dems against the Repubs, you’re not a real Dem/progressive...:smugbiden:

He hardly touches on the actual critiques Jimmy sends AOC’s way. He doesn’t mention how she CAMPAIGNED saying Pelosi (who has worse ratings than Trump btw) needed to GTFOH, but now she’s Mama Bear and NO ONE that can replace her. She CAMPAIGNED expressing something in vein like ‘So what if you only serve only term in Congress, it doesn’t take x amount of years to get M4A done, we can do it NOW.’ These are some of the main reasons she was elected.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s def maturity involved in her ways/decisions now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some compliance & careerism taking place either. I refuse to take these one-side of the bird people seriously moving into 2021. This dude clearly worships AOC & prolly wants to shag her more than anything.

Anyone from the squad not standing up to their bosses for the people during this time are sellouts. Don’t talk to me about no committee assignments, capital expense preservation, not enough votes, potential running of AOC, or whatever other fukking excuse. If you feel otherwise, I suggest you get your head out your ass & actually read about what’s happening in our country RIGHT NOW. We’re talking the longest food lines in history, 10+ million ppl lost health insurance cause of their employment shutting down/letting ppl go, a range somewhere of 19 - 35 million potential evictions/foreclosures in the first quarter of 2021. A mass exodus is taking place in major cities where everyone is leaving. Crime in major cities are back to the 80’s & 90’s levels. Theres a wave of burglary taking place across the U.S for canned goods, baby formula, and medicine. Plus Trump just pumped fake with that veto. We need action to take place NOW. Not in 2024. NOW.

Unless you think that vaccine is actually going to get distributed to everyone by February 1st & the world will be fully reopened & back to normal :rudy:

I have YET to see proof of AOC voting against the Cares Act btw. I wish there was a way to expose the ignoramus claiming she voted against it without evidence. They take what she’s tweeted as truth even though there’s AUDIO of these votes...

I give him props for the segment towards the end, where he says something like “Alright I’m going to give it to you straight”. He proceeds to give possibly the most concise critique for the pushing of M4A. Passing something like M4A is an enormous legislative undertaking that will prolly take months/years to fulfill. So the notion that it’ll all fall into place we just need to put it on the floor now, etc is kind of bad. But he loses me when he ties this initiative to only covid. Why is that? I guess he doesn’t believe the medical wellbeing of nations people is a basic human right, like the other modern nations around the globe that spend less & cover more people. To that I say he’s the one whose not a progressive :pacspit:


May 20, 2012
75% of this video (likely more) is of him proclaiming since AOC is the most left in the party (which can easily be a bad/negative thing btw), holding her feet to the fire is some kind of malpractice that no true Dem or progressive would be a part of. At one point, he literally says if you don’t side for the Dems against the Repubs, you’re not a real Dem/progressive...:smugbiden:

He hardly touches on the actual critiques Jimmy sends AOC’s way. He doesn’t mention how she CAMPAIGNED saying Pelosi (who has worse ratings than Trump btw) needed to GTFOH, but now she’s Mama Bear and NO ONE that can replace her. She CAMPAIGNED expressing something in vein like ‘So what if you only serve only term in Congress, it doesn’t take x amount of years to get M4A done, we can do it NOW.’ These are some of the main reasons she was elected.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s def maturity involved in her ways/decisions now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some compliance & careerism taking place either. I refuse to take these one-side of the bird people seriously moving into 2021. This dude clearly worships AOC & prolly wants to shag her more than anything.

Anyone from the squad not standing up to their bosses for the people during this time are sellouts. Don’t talk to me about no committee assignments, capital expense preservation, not enough votes, potential running of AOC, or whatever other fukking excuse. If you feel otherwise, I suggest you get your head out your ass & actually read about what’s happening in our country RIGHT NOW. We’re talking the longest food lines in history, 10+ million ppl lost health insurance cause of their employment shutting down/letting ppl go, a range somewhere of 19 - 35 million potential evictions/foreclosures in the first quarter of 2021. A mass exodus is taking place in major cities where everyone is leaving. Crime in major cities are back to the 80’s & 90’s levels. Theres a wave of burglary taking place across the U.S for canned goods, baby formula, and medicine. Plus Trump just pumped fake with that veto. We need action to take place NOW. Not in 2024. NOW.

Unless you think that vaccine is actually going to get distributed to everyone by February 1st & the world will be fully reopened & back to normal :rudy:

I have YET to see proof of AOC voting against the Cares Act btw. I wish there was a way to expose the ignoramus claiming she voted against it without evidence. They take what she’s tweeted as truth even though there’s AUDIO of these votes...

I give him props for the segment towards the end, where he says something like “Alright I’m going to give it to you straight”. He proceeds to give possibly the most concise critique for the pushing of M4A. Passing something like M4A is an enormous legislative undertaking that will prolly take months/years to fulfill. So the notion that it’ll all fall into place we just need to put it on the floor now, etc is kind of bad. But he loses me when he ties this initiative to only covid. Why is that? I guess he doesn’t believe the medical wellbeing of nations people is a basic human right, like the other modern nations around the globe that spend less & cover more people. To that I say he’s the one whose not a progressive :pacspit:

And yet through all that, the Dem voters rejected the only guy serious about M4A and elected a centrist president who said he will veto M4A even if it passes the House and the Senate.

Just what kind of leverage do you think you have here?
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Jun 6, 2012
New York
And yet through all that, the Dem candidate rejected the only guy serious about M4A and elected a centrist president who said he will veto M4A even if it passes the House and the Senate.

Just what kind of leverage do you think you have here?
Bernie lost the nom prior to the pandemic.
It would be good pressure to apply to any federal politician to get them to be against M4A during a pandemic on the record. There is no downside to doing that.


May 20, 2012
Bernie lost the nom prior to the pandemic.
It would be good pressure to apply to any federal politician to get them to be against M4A during a pandemic on the record. There is no downside to doing that.

He dropped out in April so it was not after the pandemic. Plus he lost to the second most disliked candidate in history behind Donald Trump.

What that tells me is that we have a lot of work to do as progressive to win over the Democratic voters and the American people at large. Raging like maniacs at any and everything is foolish and counterproductive.


Next stop is...
Jun 5, 2012
Bronx, New York
And yet through all that, the Dem candidate rejected the only guy serious about M4A and elected a centrist president who said he will veto M4A even if it passes the House and the Senate.

Just what kind of leverage do you think you have here?

If all players necessary genuinely pushed M4A to take shape, you know, like the vast majority of their constituents want (aka both left & right wing citizens), you wouldn’t be asking this question. It would be clear as fukk that this is what’s necessary for the situation we’re currently in. Instead, we have filter through an infinite amount of reasons why we can’t do it now. They never say when or how, just not now, not during a global pandemic & arguably the harshest environment for businesses/employment in the last century.

In a fantasy world, if this actually got passed via both House & Senate like you’re suggesting & Biden was the one at the end who came & shut it down, I imagine we would see major uproar in the streets. Something ppl on the verge of eviction, medical bankruptcy, or straight up hungry prolly won’t be totally against (which is Millions of people btw)

We gave trillions of dollars to the elite, shutdown our local businesses, kept major corporations opened, & only provided $1800 to the people of this country for the entirety of 2020. Meanwhile, other countries with less means have been giving their people 1500 - 2000 every MONTH. We’re about to send BILLIONS to other countries, but we got a $600 check incoming :snoop:

I was just reading how the latest relief bill was 5k pages and only given to congress to view for a few hrs. Ya really think they were able to break the entire thing down in the time gap? We’re now hearing about all these hidden tax breaks that were given in all sorts of unique ways. This is a failure of our elected officials. Nancy Pelosi’s spot as speaker or anyone else’s potential future career should not be our priority.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
He dropped out in April so it was not after the pandemic. Plus he lost to the second most disliked candidate in history behind Donald Trump.

What that tells me is that we have a lot of work to do as progressive to win over the Democratic voters and the American people at large. Raging like maniacs at any and everything is foolish and counterproductive.
He effectively lost on Super Tuesday March 3rd, which was before than pandemic.
This is a tactic to win over more Americans. Bring up free healthcare during a pandemic is a winning topic for Progressives, Dems sound stupid talking about 'affordable' healthcare when people are losing their jobs left and right presently.
Jimmy is raging and screaming but he's not going to get any MSM coverage we need, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Bowman etc. To talk about it in the mainstream eloquently and in a compelling manner. That would move the needle.


May 20, 2012
If all players necessary genuinely pushed M4A to take shape, you know, like the vast majority of their constituents want (aka both left & right wing citizens), you wouldn’t be asking this question. It would be clear as fukk that this is what’s necessary for the situation we’re currently in. Instead, we have filter through an infinite amount of reasons why we can’t do it now. They never say when or how, just not now, not during a global pandemic & arguably the harshest environment for businesses/employment in the last century.

In a fantasy world, if this actually got passed via both House & Senate like you’re suggesting & Biden was the one at the end who came & shut it down, I imagine we would see major uproar in the streets. Something ppl on the verge of eviction, medical bankruptcy, or straight up hungry prolly won’t be totally against (which is Millions of people btw)

We gave trillions of dollars to the elite, shutdown our local businesses, kept major corporations opened, & only provided $1800 to the people of this country for the entirety of 2020. Meanwhile, other countries with less means have been giving their people 1500 - 2000 every MONTH. We’re about to send BILLIONS to other countries, but we got a $600 check incoming :snoop:

I was just reading how the latest relief bill was 5k pages and only given to congress to view for a few hrs. Ya really think they were able to break the entire thing down in the time gap? We’re now hearing about all these hidden tax breaks that were given in all sorts of unique ways. This is a failure of our elected officials. Nancy Pelosi’s spot as speaker or anyone else’s potential future career should not be our priority.

Biden literally told the voters that he is going to veto M4A and he got 84 million votes. He would just be keeping his campaign promises. I know it's easy and instinctual to blame the politicians, but the politicians are just the conduit of the people. We get the politicians that we deserve. The American people need to smarten up if they want better.

Muufukas rejected the only candidate who was going to seriously push for M4A, higher wages, union protections, free college and student loan forgiveness. It is what it is.

Also, if you think we will see a major uproar in the street due to M4A, then you have vastly overestimated the resolve of the American people.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
If all players necessary genuinely pushed M4A to take shape, you know, like the vast majority of their constituents want (aka both left & right wing citizens), you wouldn’t be asking this question.
"all the players necessary" include the same centrist Dem voters and politicians like Nancy Pelosi that this #ForceTheVote segment of the left/progressive movement loathe and actively seek to villainize instead of convert. And "vast majority of their constitutents want" is doing a lot of spurious work in your argument when deeper polling bears out the fact that most of those people don't think M4A means the abolishment of private insurance, and when asked to choose between that and a public option, the latter is the more popular choice.

It would be clear as fukk that this is what’s necessary for the situation we’re currently in.
M4A doesn't fully kick in until 4 years after being passed, so no, passing it right now would not solve the pandemic healthcare situation. It's not flipping a switch.

In a fantasy world, if this actually got passed via both House & Senate like you’re suggesting & Biden was the one at the end who came & shut it down, I imagine we would see major uproar in the streets.
As much as I would love for this to be true, I just see absolutely no evidence that this would even remotely be the case.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Biden literally told the voters that he is going to veto M4A and he got 84 million votes. He would just be keeping his campaign promises. I know it's easy and instinctual to blame the politicians, but the politicians are just the conduit of the people. We get the politicians that we deserve. The American people need to smarten up if they want better.

Muufukas rejected the only candidate who was going to seriously push for M4A, higher wages, union protections, free college and student loan forgiveness. It is what it is.

Also, if you think we will see a major uproar in the street due to M4A, then you have vastly overestimated the resolve of the American people.
OK if you are a Progressive and see 50-30 thousand people needlessly die annually due to a lack of health insurance what's the plan? Just, "Oh well, American sentiment isn't there yet. Let's just wait until it is and do nothing to help along the process." That's worse and even less productive than forcing a vote.


May 20, 2012
OK if you are a Progressive and see 50-30 thousand people needlessly die annually due to a lack of health insurance what's the plan? Just, "Oh well, American sentiment isn't there yet. Let's just wait until it is and do nothing to help along the process." That's worse and even less productive than forcing a vote.

What's the end game of forcing a vote? You already know who sponsored and didn't sponsor the bill, you can use that to primary those who did not. I don't see the point of these theatrics other than to satisfy the holier than though puritans on the left.