poor people love “don’t vote” rhetoric because they want everyone to be as poor as them
salivating at the thought of the governrnt going under and everyone resetting when in reality poorer people will just get poorer and forced into more bad terms of consumerism out of desperation that feeds the top.
america will more than likely look like the philippines in a decade (trump/republicans love duterte). lack of/no public education, low class mobility rates, big push on law and order, abortion bans, and an “elite” of sorts that will live good in cities regardless compared to people in far out provinces who can’t afford to pay for school. except we will also still have high college prices, and the dollar will still be somewhat valuable almost world currencies.
there will be no need for affirmative action because most young black kids won’t be able to afford basic schooling in the first place. farming or gig economy will prob be available
Lol...poor people don't vote because there is nothing in it for them because most policies are trash...
And Democrats are the one that sold out affirmative action
Democrats are the ones that started the mass imprisonment
Democrats are the ones that gutted welfare in the 90s at the height of the crack era
Democrats are the ones that bailed out bankers
Democrats are the ones that gave up on Universal Healthcare and decided to keep the fukking insurance industry
Democrats are the ones that destabilized the Middle East even more
Democrats are the ones that rigged the election for Hilary to be the nominee when nobody liked her
A Black Democratic President is the one who said descendents of slaves don't deserve reparations
Lol but yeah blame poor people for not voting for the shyttiest most disconnected politicians lol