I disagree...it was gonna bomb especially competing for theatre screen space in that summer and no 3d revenue
You cant kill duke - G.I. Joe The Movie - Clip 2 - YouTube
The ninja fight scenes in this were
I guess I was wrong about duke@ channing tatum being alive for JUST the opening act (not unless i missed something because when the credits came up i needed to take a piss)
they made up for alot of stuff that was stupid in the last one, cobra has a darth vader/bane like presence this time , stormshadow is indifferent, the rock fighting the good punisher was a cool scene
as for marlon and the red head
But I did forget the RZA was in this and was surprised at how much screen time he got
Should I see this? I thought the first one was just ok. I really liked Fast Five, enjoyed Olympus Has Fallen, and the first two Transformers.
I'm one of the very, very, very, VERY few ppl who like tha first one. I
DEFINITELY wanna see tha sequel. I guess Channing Tatum gets killed in that
"sneak attack", he's not even shown in tha rest of tha trailer or posters for that