Either way your voice will be heard. Even if your vote doesn't affect the election directly, you are standing up and showing them that you HAVE a voice. As of right now they don't respect your voice cause you don't think it's important to use it. If we all go show them that we are involved and we will vote then they would respect our voice and our needs because they need the votes.
And to say that your life won't change regardless of who's in office is total bullshyt. It mattered when bush got in office and put us in this mess. It will matter if Romney gets in office and rehashes all of bushes old policies.
People don't even understand when they are being helped. If you've gone to college, gone to the doctor, or even just filed taxes in the last couple years , Obama has helped you. All of these things are what romney wants to cut. Your life will definately change if Romney gets into office.
once obama gets in office, then what?
see ive had lots of conversations with friends and with people in HL about this topic recently and i seen the different viewpoints.
in our current paradigm, i understand the need for the populous to represent politically and let the ruling class know we are still active in the political process.
i also understand the need to get certain candidates into office so shyt doesnt go COMPLETELY off the deep end (a la obama).
but what i dont understand is why so many people's political activities are limited to just voting in the national election. political and social activism does not start or stop when people get in office... the
REAL work begins when they get in office.
so i guess my gripe is that people want citizens to have all this accountability and go vote. but once most people go vote they lose grip on all accountability for the politicians, and holding the politicians accountable for their actions in government.
voting in itself is mostly a symbolic act these days, but its the actions before and after politicians get elected where we need to create change.
but most muufukkas go to the voting polls and then get on with life per usual, not following up on the promises made by those put in office.
thats why politicians and corporations are running rampant because we the people are not holding them accountable.
so dont talk to me about voting, talk to me about how we're going to hold politicians accountable once they're in office.
so i ask you negores again, after obama gets elected, then what?