The King of Fighters
No offense breh but if you only go 6 times a year you're a casual moviegoer.
I've seen 6 movies since the end of April. And there's users on here that go way more than I do.
I think Scott Mendelson at Forbes put it best. When every movie is special. No movie is special
And your point is? Not like I came in here saying that I'm a hardcore theater hopping muhfukka. Doesn't negate my point regardless. Also, I seen Black Panther more times alone to equate to a "hardcore" movie goer anyway.
And what would the point of that quote even be anyways? No one's saying that every blockbuster movie is special either. Like anything else, some are, some not. Watch what you want to watch and ignore the rest. Unless you're somehow, someway getting forced to watch all these blockbuster movies then the complaint is moot.