- $12M is ludicrous for a guy like Punk. he's not a draw outside of diehard wrestling fans (and he was one of the worst drawing WWE champions of all time). the UFC
only paid him $500,000 per fight and the PPV's that he took part in were some of the worst drawing PPV's each year for UFC. there's a reason why he co-hosted a shytty MTV contest show and is part-time commentating for amateur MMA fights in front of 500 people and not getting offers elsewhere for big money.
- Full creative control would never happen and shouldn't happen. Ronda Rousey and Brock Lesnar don't even have that and they draw money.
- 100% residuals?

Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, and Rock never had that and why should they? WWE does have to see a return on their investment

no business in their right mind would do that.
- limited dates would absolutely happen. that's realistic.