Anyone else find NFL, hell even College Football Too Racially Charged To Enjoy?


Nov 27, 2012
Sports is the one haven where I can enjoy away from the cism.

Yes cism exists in sports, but for the most part if you are talented, you will play no matter what ethnicity.

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
You got little white kids wearing the names of black men on their backs.. Yea NFL is racist brehs.

Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
I see commercials like this:

And I'm like :wow: at anyone that can see something like that and not feel some kind of way.

Sorry, but it's just too racist for me to be able to just ignore it and keep it pushing.

How about every other commercial where the white man is looked as as some weak/dependent/sloppy/fat dummy? You gonna bring that up too? Or just bring up this fake racially motivated commercial that you're using to cry about.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
How about every other commercial where the white man is looked as as some weak/dependent/sloppy/fat dummy? You gonna bring that up too? Or just bring up this fake racially motivated commercial that you're using to cry about.

I got a question for you. Why the fukk do you even post here. I'm being completely serious. I end up agreeing with you in a lot of cases. but ultimately there is no victory for you here. There is nothing you can say intellectually to the more militant members of the coli(Who while militant are often intellectual as well...hateful, mean spirited, prejudiced, and misguided but DEFINITELY intelligent) I mean why bother? I posted on st0rmfr0nt for like 2 months and just got fukking tired of defending my position. You been here a year. why you keep doing that shyt? you in the red, I'm sure you've been negged to death, whats the appeal.

Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
I got a question for you. Why the fukk do you even post here. I'm being completely serious. I end up agreeing with you in a lot of cases. but ultimately there is no victory for you here. There is nothing you can say intellectually to the more militant members of the coli(Who while militant are often intellectual as well...hateful, mean spirited, prejudiced, and misguided but DEFINITELY intelligent) I mean why bother? I posted on st0rmfr0nt for like 2 months and just got fukking tired of defending my position. You been here a year. why you keep doing that shyt? you in the red, I'm sure you've been negged to death, whats the appeal.

Just to spread the truth. People seem to think white men get lifted up in this country, it's bullshyt. Jews are pissed at Europeans for WW2 so they're taking it out on white men now in media and other outlets. The Jews were the ones behind black-face and all the clowning of black men back in the 1900's, now they changed their strategy in order to keep themselves unmarked. Jews trick black people into thinking if you talk the same English as a white man you're a c00n etc. Jews have tricked white men to hate black men, and black men to hate white men. The Jewish slime never stops, but people don't see their being brainwashed by the media and those who submit to such media practices. Jews use white women and black men the most because these two demographics are the easiest to control through media means. For what specific reason I'm unsure, though if I thought about it I could probably spring a logical reason or reasons. As someone said before, women are herd animals, they follow the one whom they see as in the best situation. So when television conditions women (white in particular) and men (black in particular) it sparks a chain of events just based off how they react to the media that is being broadcasted upon them.

As for why I post here otherwise:

a) Entertainment, funny people posting behind these screennames.
b) POV of those different from I (not meaning different race, I mean different in thoughts/culture etc.)
c) Boredom
d) It's cheaper to do this than to go out to eat and drink 3/7 days of the week (I only go out to eat once a week and drink once week, otherwise I'm drinking inside :ahh:)
e) Knowledge, though I may disagree with what is posted, it doesn't mean it's false. We're all conditioned to believe shyt that isn't true. That includes you, me, and everyone here. It's hard to know what a credible source is, the news is rigged, people are infected with bias/agendas that make them twist [and lie] about a 'fact.' It's good to see different angles to a story or historical event to give a better perspective of what to believe.
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Apr 30, 2012
I see commercials like this:

And I'm like :wow: at anyone that can see something like that and not feel some kind of way.

Sorry, but it's just too racist for me to be able to just ignore it and keep it pushing.

This will be the rare occurrence that I actually agree with you.

The first time I saw that fantasy football commercial I was :what:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Just to spread the truth. People seem to think white men get lifted up in this country, it's bullshyt. Jews are pissed at Europeans for WW2 so they're taking it out on white men now in media and other outlets. The Jews were the ones behind black-face and all the clowning of black men back in the 1900's, now they changed their strategy in order to keep themselves unmarked. Jews trick black people into thinking if you talk the same English as a white man you're a c00n etc. Jews have tricked white men to hate black men, and black men to hate white men. The Jewish slime never stops, but people don't see their being brainwashed by the media and those who submit to such media practices. Jews use white women and black men the most because these two demographics are the easiest to control through media means. For what specific reason I'm unsure, though if I thought about it I could probably spring a logical reason or reasons.

That first statement is untrue. And if you don't think White men get lifted up in this country I don't know what to tell you. BUT. I will say White men get trolled hard. But IMO that's more of a power thing than a racial thing. It IS most definitely a symptom of the Feminist movement which, lets be honest is really about White Women, To your point White men have been greatly emasculated in television and in commercials. But yall are still the go to hero to save the world from well...everything from Alien invasions to meteorites. I mean can you really complain? "White" Women should be the biggest focus of your anger. They are the one's that started that bullshyt Women are smart Men are dumb movement. You know that shyt isn't true. But its marketable. It just so happens to be White men under the gun. Because yall run shyt. But the same shyt happens to Black men as well. look at any commercial that's centered around men(Women are always going to be smarter) and men are going to look stupid. You have an argument. but its nowhere near the same. but i can understand why you don't like it.

Also while your slinging ether at the jews. you should just say Jews in "Power" I don't hate White people I hate the institutional racism that Whites happen to be in charge of. I don't have any issues with any white person period. They are just people like everyone else. the average White person ain't responsible for a lot of the bullshyt blacks go thru. And thats why I will stay battling clown ass dudes like Judah, and crackface, who think violence against random white people is ok.


Jun 19, 2012
All forms of entertainment - sports, movies, music - in western culture are racially charged. That's one of the reasons I don't really enjoy watching sports. I see these stadiums filled with cacs cheering on black men they'd have no association with outside of those stands, and it makes me go :snoop: at other black people who lack the intelligence and/or self-respect to see the cruel irony of it.

They're cheering on white men they have no association too as well. I guess they must be racist towards whites too. The fukk kind of logic is this? :russ:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
They're cheering on white men they have no association too as well. I guess they must be racist towards whites too. The fukk kind of logic is this? :russ:

Its really a lot of hateful people that post here. I just attribute it to youth more so than anything. Because alot of these cats are razor sharp but its sad. Because as a Black male I expect blacks to not only be more understanding but to have more common sense. None of these dudes black/whtite/arab give a fukk about you, or anything you do. I support people the same color as me, but I'm not dumb enough to think these cats give a fukk about me.

To quote Sonny in A Bronx Tale

See if you father can't pay the rent, go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. He don't care about you, why care about him? Nobody cares."
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