Anyone else an empath/pick up vibes?

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Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
I've done this my whole life, but as I've gotten older I've learned it's not really meta-sensory perception, it's just a matter of shutting the fukk up and observing people. Understanding human nature and people's motivations also helps.

That little voice in your head, telling you to shut the phuk up - many people don't have the ability to hear the whisper within themselves.


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
You should just say my name. I’ve seen way more than I’ve mentioned in this thread. I get it, you’re either afraid of these things, never experienced anything outside of what you consider normal or you’re religious, or a combination of those.

I don’t expect anyone to believe me, but I saw what I saw. It’s like I tell someone close to me with the same abilities, don’t bother telling anyone, because no one will believe you.

As for the hands, they were similar to this:


A pig’s foot:


The fact that you didn’t @ me and say you call bullshyt says a lot about you. You’re a coward. I’m the opposite of that because I’ll tell the truth no matter how crazy it sounds.

Regarding the healing episode, my mind was on other shyt at the time. I wasn’t ready for what she was showing me and my focus was women.

LMFAO at complete dikkhead. That’s what I’ve done this year and will continue to do til forever. I gave everyone a warning also. 2018 I’m done wit y’all get some therapy don’t talk to me.

A lot of ppl don’t appreciate the change but I’ve never been happier. Ppl will bring you down and drain you, and have nothing to offer back.

I’ve gotten so many blessing this year since not allowing ppl to take advantage of my gift.

But prior to that, adding to the thread, I would predict the behavior of people (and events) that were close to me and the behavior of people they’d tell me about with A+ accuracy. I’ve been asked if I was a witch.

Part of me feels like it would be cool to monetize the gift or just amp it up to become super wealthy etc. the other part feels like that kind of spiritual work is too tiring.

And I’m out. This is like describing a sunset to blind people.

@Zandía I think the guarding your gift and not letting people take advantage of it is what I'm being guided toward. I think much more happiness would occur as a result. I just relapse and allow it to happen. It's so naturally part of me that I don't even realize I'm giving away precious gold, because I've always used it to communicate and connect with people.

@Brolic Scholar No need to argue with those who don't believe. Don't let that get to you. It's a special thing between you and God, no one else.

Bart simpson

Served w/ no chill
Jan 22, 2017
Yep. It's draining at times always picking up on others people's energy. Definitely have to ground yourself daily. And be sure that the energy (emotions) that you're carrying is yours.

Def helps you to understand people more but it's interesting because a lot of people I read well are so scared of facing the music.
I can read a person's actions before they even think about doing it...

It could be a good thing because it helps eliminate the B.S and trash people that will betray you, etc...
The funny part is I will tell them they WILL do and they deny it....

But let's say it's rarely that I'm surprised by certain people's actions...


All Star
Aug 5, 2017
Part of me feels like it would be cool to monetize the gift or just amp it up to become super wealthy etc.

Same. I just got reiki ceritified and am interested in being a spiritual life coach but I go back and forth on whether that's "exploiting" my gift or overthinking how I would build up clients.


Nov 26, 2014
I wont put a label on it but my mother has some powers in regards to seeing things before they happen. Every time I doubt her she'll say x will happen and every time it does :why: Its happened too many times for it to be coincidence.

Also, as one of the brehs above said, she sees number sequences and they for damn sure have meaning. I feel like i inherited some of those gifts myself.

As trivial as it sounds, I'll never forget, one time i was going down the elevator in my apartment to go grocery shopping. Im standing in there alone, going down from the 17th floor. Suddenly I get this overwhelming certainty that said "this elevator will stop on the 8th floor". A few seconds later, it does :mindblown: its hard to put into text over a forum but it wasnt just a fleeting thought or feeling. It was like i bent reality to do what i heard in my head. It wasnt my own thought. Havent had much happen since but I wish I could experience it again


All Star
Jan 31, 2016
Being an empathy with social skills is a very powerful combination. Without them though, and you'll being going through a lot with no idea of what's happening.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
And I include people with lots of what they call friends.

They are usually the worst offenders.

Anyone else hate getting told “smile” all the while your face is a reflection of the vibes you’re picking up on that everyone is putting on a fake smile to hide?

I'm usually smiling as a mask, I can admit that. Now I show how I feel about most situations, trying to hide them for too long makes uncomfortable these days.

Then most of the time folks have problems with the most basic solutions like I can think about it for 15 seconds and it's solved, then some folks don't take advice then comeback for more :martin:

I've really curved how often I actually give advice now. Most folks just want to hear themselves talk out loud to someone.

Now I wait until they ask for advice. Keeps me sane lol.

Definitely. When I started reading into empath stuff and connecting the dots in my life I fit the profile. I've heard some stuff from friends and strangers that I feel like they've never told anyone else.

I've made a complete shift though and put on a full dikkhead act cause it felt like people were unloading their bullshyt onto me so I play like this

Question for you @Thatrogueassdiaz - do you experience Deja Vu often?

I know I do. Every few years, i'll end up in a what I call "An event".

It's usually a time and place that I had seen a few years prior. It's like a flashback to a picture I had seen before (through my own eyes) if that makes sense.

It's a very weird feeling, but I like it because it tells me that I am where I am supposed to be at this time in my life.

LMFAO at complete dikkhead. That’s what I’ve done this year and will continue to do til forever. I gave everyone a warning also. 2018 I’m done wit y’all get some therapy don’t talk to me.

A lot of ppl don’t appreciate the change but I’ve never been happier. Ppl will bring you down and drain you, and have nothing to offer back.

I’ve gotten so many blessing this year since not allowing ppl to take advantage of my gift.

But prior to that, adding to the thread, I would predict the behavior of people (and events) that were close to me and the behavior of people they’d tell me about with A+ accuracy. I’ve been asked if I was a witch.

Part of me feels like it would be cool to monetize the gift or just amp it up to become super wealthy etc. the other part feels like that kind of spiritual work is too tiring.

Keep it up, I realized late in my life, that people took advantage of my good nature for way too long. I do alot better at measuring it out for people that actually deserve it.

Predicting people's behavior just leaves me tired and disgusted because it's hard to find legit decent people.

Like it's all good until someone goes "And then I fukked my brother's ex and got her pregnant. He thinks it's his :whew:"

And I'm like :dahell:

You could make a whole topic on the shyt people say when their guard is down.

Facts bro this shyt is crazy. I def peep this wit myself

One Deja Vu for example is so specific that it will sound crazy but fukk it - people love kicking me when I'm down. I told my pops one time I did poorly on an important school exam and he smiled hella bright. I was having some lil nikka issues wit my girl at the time and the nikkas I ran wit thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Just yesterday I'm getting ready for a job interview and I'm a lil nervous..moms decides to start a frivolous arguement as I'm shaving. Then as I'm putting my shoes on my sister came wit some other bullshyt KNOWING I'm about to interview in 20 minutes.

Once I started paying attention it all made sense. What I took from it was the people around me were MUCH worse off mentally than I was (came a long way from 2016, trust) and seeing me falter brought them some demonic type of joy. And if I wasn't faltering they'd try to initiate it. I've since made a pact to stay far far away from these types of people as they'll poison you slowly.

Real. One of the best pieces of advice I've heard as a introverted person is to guard your energy JEALOUSLY. Once I started saying "no, fukk off, cant do it, sorry but nope" people reveal themselves slowly but surely.

Guard it with your life, folks will be angry at your positive energy, even people who are supposed to love you.

Had to move out of my moms house because of it.

Good thread :whew: