anybody ever think about quitting their job with nothing lined up?


DOOM, all capitals, no trick spellin'
May 15, 2013
Georgia, Home of the trillest
I've never worked a day in my life but college makes me think this way a lot. Sometimes I wanna up and dropout and say "fukk it, fukk it"(Frank Ocean voice). I be stressed the fukk out over shyt. Hopefully this semester I won't since I changed my major and basically used to pick the easiest prof of all time for easy As, really nikka about to have a 3.5 GPA

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Did it once. It was around tax season and i had some money saved up. Job became unbearable to the point where you wake up and laying bed contemplating going, then you drive there and sit in your car for a while contemplating on going in, and on your off days you hope a fire took the whole building out. I walked in and got told some bullshyt and just left.

It puts you in a weird place cause now all you have is free time but you cant really spend money like that cause you have no idea where your next check is coming from. I got caught up with going out on dates with chicks that i didnt have time for before and hangouts i didnt wasnt able to make cause of work. When you're unemployed with money in the bank little things are a drain 30 dollars in gas was supposed to last me a week and 20-30 was supposed to buy groceries. I had to make serious cutbacks but I wasn't turning down them dates and hangouts. Chick comes over, you gotta have liquor and shyt she'll like so your grocery bill jumps or you hang out with your boys and buy a drink with 5 that came out your gas money. Most people do the worst thing ever and start using their credit card now you have another bill and no job.

It took me two months to get a decent job again but i was honestly half-assing filling out applications and sending resumes cause I didnt just want a job to have a job. I wanted one that I really liked and could enjoy and I was living like I was rich using money I shouldve been saving while living like a hermit. By the time I got the call for an interview at the job i eventually got I was ebaying and craiglisting any and everything I couldn't justifying needing but I have a bunch of good memories of when I was unemployed though. Beaches,broads, not having to be anywhere but eating ramen, peanut butter and jelly,water and eggs everyday wasnt cool.

Anyway thats my experience. I wouldnt tell you to stay at a job you hate but is the job stress worse than the stress of not having money incoming to you?

Kenyan West

lazy fba philly nikka,
May 12, 2012
Sometimes life rewards you when you take risks.

I had a job a while back, 10 dollars and hour PART TIME, pushing mail and boxes on a cart around an 16 floor office building for 60+ year old rich cacs. I hated that fukkin job. Everyday I was miserable. Just the looks of disgust they gave me on a daily basis made me feel subhuman. My manager was black and he was like fukkin super c00n. He'd make Uncle Ruckus look like Malcolm X. Dude was on some "clean your area!" "look nice!" "they're [cacs] coming!" shyt. We had to wear uniforms and basically kiss ass for pittance. Went on a few interviews, nothing. Couldnt apply for anything else because cell phone usage wasnt allowed at work. By the time I got home, job postings were up for hours and that fukked up my flow obviously. My go to move was to always send in an app for a job in the first 30 seconds that it was online.

One day, I saw this great job. A job that would put me at 40k+ full time for basically browsing the internet. Went into the handicapped bathroom with my phone and applied. My five star embellishing skills got me a call from the recruiter in about two days. I was at work, lifting this heavy ass box for this fukkin annoying cac. I put the box down, left the floor to talk to the recruiter. After I finished speaking with the recruiter, my manager and the cac saw me with my phone in my hand when I came back and they flipped the fukk out. The cac suggested that my manager confiscate my phone and dock my pay. He agreed. As he walked towards me to do so, I quit. Right there on the spot.

Instantly felt like shyt when I got home. How will I pay these bills? How will I eat? Luckily, a week later, after my 12th pack of Chicken flavored Top Ramen, I went on the interview and got offered the 40k+ full time gig.