Any of you guys smoked crack before?


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
Lmao lotty..... Another book reader who thinks they kno everything :russ:

"Fishscale/good stuff" won't make u any more addicted than cut garbage

It's more about if u have an addictive personality. I can do some fishscale and not want to ever do it again (like demon or box cutta here) while I seen dumbass "druggie" kids get addicted to shyt that I cut so much it was prolly 5% coke :lolbron:
It's just cuz yayo is habit forming when u do it often.
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May 26, 2012
San Diego
how does a kid in high school maintain (financially) a habit that large? and were your parents aware of what was going on?

that's insane though, i dabbled in a lot of stuff (never crack) when i was younger, but i never woke up the next day after a night of partying wanting to feel like that again.any time soon. it always took me some time for my system to reset before i could get back into party mode.

I worked with it, I kept it together for maybe 6 months, before I started slipping, you can only maintain a habit like that for so long, until it really starts leaving it's mark on you, emotionally and physically. Also, money, my mom for years, didn't give me a dollar, really, besides 20$ a week for lunch at school, but I was always going out, paid my phone bill when I went like 1000 minutes over. I was like 135, skinny, pale, always blowing my nose, the signs were there, but a very close friend passed, and in the weeks after I kinda just went all the way off the tracks, valium and alcohol was what got me caught, I was blacked out, falling down the steps and shyt, my sister was scared, my mom had the cops show up, luckily there was no drugs or anything at my house, my friends took and stashed them. Before that, my mom took my phone, and I was already basically caught, but still living at home, after that, I moved into my friends house, whose Dad was a pilot, and never really was home. Were like brothers, so I just stayed with him for a few months, and then went home. At one point my mom found like 100 bags and a scale, but never any drugs besides weed when I was younger. Yeah, I put everyone through a lot of emotional trauma.


May 20, 2012
Lmao lotty..... Another book reader who thinks they kno everything :russ:

"Fishscale/good stuff" won't make u any more addicted than cut garbage

It's more about if u have an addictive personality. I can do some fishscale and not want to ever do it again (like demon or box cutta here) while I seen dumbass "druggie" kids get addicted to shyt that I cut so much it was prolly 5% coke :lolbron:
It's just cuz yayo is habit forming when u do it often.

Why repost the same thing I wrote?

You sound like you are either an addict who doesn't want to admit he's an addict so you come with excuses about how you can stop when you want or you just like going against people just to do it because if you read what I posted I wrote if you do it in a row NOT one time and I explained why. Why try to go against me when you wrote the damn near the same thing I wrote. You are one of them cats who like to be the "drug man" since you probably have nothing else going for you besides being a customer, and hate when someone know just as much as you or more, so you go against them. I had that happen to me TOO MANY TIMES. The drug world is a WEIRD place, and the people in it are some weird ones a lot of the time(not always). You are proof of this.

I seen all the shyt I write about as well as read about how things work scientifically. You can laugh all you want but, it doesn't phase me, I have nothing to prove to anyone because I lived it. People who front are new to shyt, and have something to prove. Keep believing your bullshyt and get caught up with that nose candy. You are not the first one I've met who talk all that "drug don't do shyt to me" talk. I watch when the money get low or some real life shyt happen to them, then I seen what they are really about. Do you though, tough guy.
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sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
Why repost the same thing I wrote?

You sound like you are either an addict who doesn't want to admit he's an addict so you come with excuses about how you can stop when you want or you just like going against people just to do it because if you read what I posted I wrote if you do it in a row NOT one time and I explained why. Why try to go against me when you wrote the damn near the same thing I wrote. You are one of them cats who like to be the "drug man" since you probably have nothing else going for you besides being a customer, and hate when someone know just as much as you or more, so you go against them. I had that happen to me TOO MANY TIMES. The drug world is a WEIRD place, and the people in it are some weird ones a lot of the time(not always). You are proof of this.

I seen all the shyt I write about as well as read about how things work scientifically. You can laugh all you want but, it doesn't phase me, I have nothing to prove to anyone because I lived it. People who front are new to shyt, and have something to prove. Keep believing your bullshyt and get caught up with that nose candy. You are not the first one I've met who talk all that "drug don't do shyt to me" talk. I watch when the money get low or some real life shyt happen to them, then I seen what they are really about. Do you though, tough guy.

Lmao relax bruh.... It ain't that serious.

I just corrected you on simply fishscale being more addictive. I don't do blow.

You're the 1 gettin homotional, typing up paragraphs like u gotta prove some shyt


May 20, 2012
Lmao relax bruh.... It ain't that serious.

I just corrected you on simply fishscale being more addictive

You're the 1 gettin homotional, typing up paragraphs like u gotta prove some shyt
It has the potential to be more addictive quicker then garbage because it's more powerful, and if you do it a lot, now you have a habit. This will happen much faster then garbage as you can see with some posters who said they don't see why people get addicted to it since they didn't feel anything. I take it serious because, if you are going to tell people what the deal is tell them both sides not just the good side, and making it seem like cocaine is like weed. I seen people close to me fukk up their lives(health, and money) off of coke in all forms. It's not anything to play with.
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Dec 17, 2012
Crack has an annoying smell to it and I would never ever fukk with it. My ex friend is a full on crack head at 26 years old and had been since he was 16. Dude used to pull all the hoes in middle school and last year I seen this fool ass nicca geeked out of his mind doing the tango with himself and moon walking up the street while listening to a fukkin portable CD player.

He started because he was hanging with some old nicca smoking weed. The old dude is clean and is a airplane mechanic now but he was always a functional crack head.

Please tell me he isn't Black :snoop:

Illuminatos' Hairline

Where's my sharpie?!
May 28, 2012
Crack has an annoying smell to it and I would never ever fukk with it. My ex friend is a full on crack head at 26 years old and had been since he was 16. Dude used to pull all the hoes in middle school and last year I seen this fool ass nicca geeked out of his mind doing the tango with himself and moon walking up the street while listening to a fukkin portable CD player.

He started because he was hanging with some old nicca smoking weed. The old dude is clean and is a airplane mechanic now but he was always a functional crack head.


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
functional drug addicts are the best,its when i'm fully sober that i'm hard to deal with/other people are hard to deal with

potentially sad but true,there's just so much injustice/poisons/ignorance to stomach that when i'm sober i'm either running through walls/feel like breaking down in tears/so calm and meditative that i'm virtually catatonic

guap ain't even worth having to stomach all this garbage&still maintaining a productive facade,i already had to endure so much through childhood that by the time i graduated i just couldn't fake it anymore,i let my 5150 flag soar&embrace the circumstances/labyrinth the Grand Architect laid out for me

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I smoked one of those bubble gum cigarettes where you blow the powered sugar out and it looks like ur smoking. Now that i think about it, those were demonic condiments.

Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown: