Not always the case.. In Florida the "white" Grand Lodge if F&AM not AF&AM
I know
I was referring to the past history of this country and as to why most blacks are F&AM
Not always the case.. In Florida the "white" Grand Lodge if F&AM not AF&AM
I know
I was referring to the past history of this country and as to why most blacks are F&AM
Lotta misinformation in here
1. There is only but one regular route to the Scottish Rite, and that's through the "Blue Lodge" 3 degree system FIRST in a regular and lawfully constituted lodge. Anything else is bogus and irregular. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A.: How to Join ... For the record, there's nothing "special" about any Masonic degree that gives you special "power" or anything of that nature. Anyone who has misled you to believe this is a buffoon who needs to step away from Youtube. There's also no such thing as a "fukkboy lodge."
2. Ancient Free and Accepted (or Free and Accepted) are not limited to Prince Hall (Black) or Mainstream (White) lodges. AF and AM vs F and AM STATES - Masonic jurisdictional differences.
3. Your desire alone will not grant you access. You actually have to be questioned, investigated and pass a few other "tests" before even being allowed to start your process. Your desire to mingle with "rich cacs" will be found out by any Mason you come in contact with. Good luck with that.
4. Prince Hall Masonry in modern day does have whites, and Mainstream masonic lodges & grand lodges have Black masons. The GRAND MASTER of the Mainstream (White) Grand Lodge of D.C. is a BLACK man. Racial issues are only issues in the South where most Masons, White AND Black, can't let go of the past. My PHA lodge has a White member. :shrug:
@BuddyOmar, you sound somewhat sincere, but at the same time you sound like you have preconcieved notions about how Masonry can affect you. I would suggest you get in contact with a Mason that you know personally and go from there. 2B1ASK1. The opportunities for self discovery, enlightenment and brotherhood are there. Networking opportunities too, but that can't be your main goal. If you "vibe" with Black folks, you may be more at home with a PHA lodge vs. a predominately white lodge... the same way you'd be more "at home" in a Black church or school. It all depends on who you identify with. There's nothing wrong with either. It's all about who you will feel more camaraderie with.
Check out
My PHA Grand Lodge (and all it's local lodges) was once AF&AM. It's now F&AM. The Mainstream Grand Lodge of this state is also F&AM.
Don't focus on the AF&AM vs. F&AM stuff. It's basically a secondary mindfukk
you do realize blacks have always been both AF&M and F&AM
its just most black americans ae F&AM
have you ever been pennyless
@BuddyOmar all jokes aside breh, keep seeking. You'll be surprised what you find.
You just better know in your heart that you're truly prepared for what you're getting yourself into.
And I hope you're not afraid of the dark.
in my early conspiracy days...i was against Masons...or at least i thought i was....until i began to realize that powerful Masons were closer to me than i had realized and made their pressence know at key points in my life...pulling strings and preventing my demise....simultaneously as i studied everything under the sun from religion spirituality and politics i became aware of the vast power that was possessed by these highly secretive orders...and i swore to myself to never speak any negativity against Masons again...and felt blessed that my earlier "protesting" was forgotten and i was spared any grave repercussions ....
To The East
masonry is kinda corny once u get involved
had to walk away from it