What state are you in?
Florida, sir
The mainstream GL: Grand Lodge of Florida
The PHA GL: The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge of Florida Official Site
there's white prince hall masons?
I had no idea
I appreciate that sir. I actually used the Grand Lodge of Florida link myself a couple days ago to see what lodges were around, but I never saw this other one.
yeah its just most blacks who are masons are prince hall
No doubt my man. I hope you find a lodge that fits you well.
Why is this historically so? I'm sure I could look all this shyt up, and I have a long time ago, but I thought it was for blacks only? Was it because they were the only ones that took slaves or former slaves (I know Masons used to only accept free men)
Also, why would a white mason or any other ethnic mason join a prince hall lodge rather than another one? Do they have different rules or shyt like that?
this I'm aware of. I lack the supreme reptilian genetics to hang out with them and sacrifice/rape/traffic children
Why is this historically so? I'm sure I could look all this shyt up, and I have a long time ago, but I thought it was for blacks only? Was it because they were the only ones that took slaves or former slaves (I know Masons used to only accept free men)
Also, why would a white mason or any other ethnic mason join a prince hall lodge rather than another one? Do they have different rules or shyt like that?
Thats why you see Free and Aceppted on license plates
the white masons are Ancient Free and Accepted, because in ancient times slaves were white until the magna carta pass.
You can join any lodge that will accept it, its racists lodges down south that don't accept prince hall
but most white masons want to unify and just say A Masons A Mason, but the elder blacks wanna keep Prince Hall going, because the history and tradition. Maybe when they die it all be under one
AF & AM - Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
These 24 AF & AM states include: CO, CT, DE, ID, IL, IA, KS, ME, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NM, NC, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, VA, WV, WY.
F & AM - Free and Accepted Masons
These 25 F & AM states include: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, HI, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, PA, RI, TN, UT, VT, WA, WI.
All Prince Hall lodges are also F. & A.M.
AFM State:
AFM - Ancient Free Masons
There is 1 AFM state: SC
FAAM District:
FAAM - Free And Accepted Masons
The District of Columbia is F.A.A.M.