Any coli members have stories of celebrities being real like fucc boys?


Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
Hell long-winded but

Dont know if this guy qualifies

Back in '05-'06 i was living in Funkytown -------->Fort Worth. (i swear for me texas was a black cloud...from relationships to....other stuff i was going thru at the time). I had been working at a supermarket (Krogers). The thing about me was i was unfamiliar with this area...majority of the time it was work, hit the gym, back home, occasional movie that sort of thing. One Day summer that had this car show nearby the courthouse in downtown. I had just work a 6 hour shift. the car show was going to be for 3pm. i figure why not :yeshrug: . I was use to the car shows out West (lowriders, bombas, etc). So i catch the bus (i wasnt driving at the time). And head downtown. Readers Note: this is a bomba


I get there and they are lowriders everywhere.

Typically whenever there is a car show they are performances. Couple of artist were there (Play N Skillz , Bun B and Aztek from Houston were there) and they had them corny ass reggaeton rappers out there :camby:

Two dudes that were there were Lil Rob from Daygo and Baby Bash ( i think he is lowkey from Texas but claims Daygo). I was familiar with them thru my uncle & cousins from Sacramento. Anyways he perform and took questions from the crowd (it was an outside car show).

Around this time it was autograph signing/meet and greet.

Im standing in the crowd had to be about 150 deep and this guy (Baby Bash) gets on some primadonna shyt. "Im not taking anymore autographs, etc etc.) i odd thing was this dude Lil Rob gave him this look like muthafukka if these people werent out here i would crack your jaw look. There was mad fans out there because radio station were saying how he was billed to perform ;i think around this time this song was getting radio play:

I always felt dude rhymes were basic. but if rapping is what you want to do go for it, dont shyt on your fans your consumers. But dude attitude was very fukked up.

I remembet baby bash, he had a radio joint with frankie j.