The way I see it: what do you remember before you were born?
Probably nothing because you had no brain or senses yet. We were at peace before we became conscious (senses and brain).
That's basically where we're going when we pass. We're going to be at peace when our brain and senses stop working.
Remember: the universe was around much longer before we were born and will be around much longer afterwards. Life went on before we were here and life will go on afterwards.
The only experience we're going have as us right now as an individual is the the time we have now, so appreciate your loved ones while you and them are still here. Don't get too caught up in the grind and chasing things other people say are important.
Additionally, here's the thing: we don't know what we may come back as when our brain/senses of this current body pass away.
Appreciate this life as it is and try not to leave the planet worse because you may very well come back to earth one day (maybe after you live and die as a life form on another planet) as the person or thing you discriminated and sabotaged while you were here. Imagine if you hate the opposite sex and a certain race, pass a bunch of laws to hurt them but you come back as an ugly person of the opposite sex and race? If "we" ever come back to this planet, hopefully it'll be at a time when everything is better for everybody.
I say this as a religious person with Faith, but also making sure I understand the biology and physics as well.