We are exposing them to other things.
I don't get this idea that cats are locked to these things and noting else. Almost every person I know who has a son playing football has them into other things.
Who are you around that you're so tired?
I just feel like I hear it and see it all the time...
and I guess the right word to use is frustrated rather than "tired".
for example, they were talking budget cuts for High Schools here. Im all for extracurricular activities, but when they threatened to cut HS football it just rubs me the wrong way when people would say if these guys don't have football they will be in the streets... ya feel me?
And when I was in school (which was a long time ago, so it may be different) most of my friends had no idea about college and most thought if you were not playing sports you were not going to college. But maybe your right and it is different now, or maybe im speaking from a small bubble of my personal experiences. I try to teach my kids different so...