The masterwork/legendary version of thousands sun has a passive ability that stacks 5% damage everytime it hits a target for up to 20 stacks. Winters Wrath is freezes most unshielded red bars in 1-2 casts, and most yellow bars in 3 casts and has 3 charges. You cast Wrath to freeze groups of mobs and let the splash damage of thousand suns hit the 3 or so enemies there to get a quick 20 stacks. Pair this with components that give damage boosts to seals and the storm turns into a cc/add clearing machine. I don't think there's a way to put up the stupid burst damage I've seen interceptors put up, but I don't have any problems running with randoms in GM1 strong holds. when I get off work I'll take a picture of my build.Explain this build to me....
And if anyone wants MW components and don't care about abiding by rules in a PvE centric game, I'd recommend doing the Legendary Contract Exploit before they patch it.