The CIA is absolutely dedicated to preventing Black people from acquiring power. In fact, that is probably 2/3 of all CIA activity when you realize which race truly possesses all the natural resources. This why I will keep restating that Black people are not in their present position because they're stupid, incompetent, lazy, or promoting thug behavior. It's because Blacks who take a position of leadership within their communities with positive intentions for the advancement of negroes they are murdered, jailed, or completely ridiculed. This isn't a visceral reaction to Black Excellence, it's an ongoing Agency offensive against dissidents. Successful Blacks are viewed as dissidents.
It's also illogical to blame negroes for getting killed by police because they are thugs. That is what a trial is for. To determine if a suspect is a thug and the actual perpetrator. All people coming into contact with police on the losing end of hostility are technically thugs, that's why the police is after them. That's not the point. We have due process because one is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The CIA has used the media to make white Americans and Blacks completely forget that it's illegal to execute civilians without due process because they look like thugs. All the white Americans are rolling their eyes until the feds begin a massive nationwide Waco operation, and then everyone will finally understand what this is about. If you can't find enough lawbreakers to kill, pass more laws and instantly you have more lawbreakers.
Trust me, the Cliven Bundy act was a quick test case against the white majority. They know whites have all the guns and are fully trained in using them, so they have to walk down that hill to fck them all. The Agency has so many honeypots going right now they know every move of every dissident this country could possibly birth.