Amazon primeWhere can I watch Season 4? I have cable but TNT is being stupid and has 5 of the episodes on demand and on the website right now
Amazon primeWhere can I watch Season 4? I have cable but TNT is being stupid and has 5 of the episodes on demand and on the website right now
Amazon prime
Dawg sliced a accountant leg and threw her in the water for PiranhasI was actually hoping Pope didn't cave to Jay
Jay is almost as evil as Smurf IMO
Pope is a manchildI was actually hoping Pope didn't cave to Jay
Jay is almost as evil as Smurf IMO
I'm just glad they put season 4 on primeI can't believe this show not starting back up until next year...
I might have asked this already, but why is Finn Cole billed 5th or 6th in the opening credits when he plays the main character?
Usually the bigger names are listed first because of contracts. He barely has any credits outside of this show and Peaky Blinders tho