Andrew Yang (Former 2020 Presidential Candidate): What's his future? #YangGang :lupe:


Jun 8, 2012
*checks history books* :whoo:

*see’s 99% old white people plastered everywhere* :beli:

and ur telling me the media low key wants yang over sanders? Word? :wtf:

I hope ur not trolling breh.
No, they dont. But understand what i'm saying. You have never seen this kind of fear from the establishment dems/ repubs/and the media for one person like you see them with bernie. i have never in my lifetime seen anything like it. they are afraid of this old white jewish dude. so much so, they will prop up ANYONE but him. remember yang for all that ubi talk that they hate. is still a Rich dude. a rich dude thats a part of the 1%ers. Which means he wont be about completely changing EVERYTHING to lean towards the PEOPLE> thats not what wang is trying to accomplish. he just wants to give the people a little something due to automation taking jobs over. bernie is trying to change the system back to the way it was during FDR's tenure. which scares the shhh... out of these rich people. FDR was pulling like a 90% tax from these ultra richeez.


Jun 8, 2012
Let the smear campaign begin....
thats not smear. Its true. we have to take a side eye look at you if you speak to these people who helped crash the economy. sorry. now it may have been all gravy as far as what he was talking about to them. he said he was explaining ubi to them. could be true. but the truth is. you're better not doing any of these speaking engagements with these big willies until after you become president. otherwise it will look funny even if it isnt. especially if you're running on a progressive platform.


Jun 8, 2012
Truly some fukked up shyt, but they can’t ignore him forever. Keep the support alive and spread the word. Phone bank if you have too...

super shady graphic. but they started it with bernie. bernie been in 2nd place the entire time. they would have him on the graph but never say his name. how are you going to talk about who's in 1st, who's in 3rd, who's in 5th literally 5th, then people polling at 1% that know one cares about(before they dropped out) and never once mentioned the guy thats 2nd? that wasnt an accident. they did it on purpose. yang is just catching that save establishment hate. if you aint one of them. you're out.


All Star
Nov 1, 2013
Andrew Yang Supporters Trend ‘YangBeatsTrump’ Hashtag After Emerson Poll Shows Him Defeating Donald Trump

Andrew Yang Supporters Trend ‘YangBeatsTrump’ Hashtag After Emerson Poll Shows Him Defeating Donald Trump

As The Inquisitr reported earlier today, the recent Emerson College poll of New Hampshire showed Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang beating Donald Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head by eight points. Although Yang is currently sixth in polling average overall with 2.7 percent, the poll shows him faring better against Trump than all of his fellow contenders except for frontrunner Joe Biden, who leads the race with 29.8 percent support.

In response, Yang’s supporters, the Yang Gang, have pushed the “YangBeatsTrump” hashtag, which universal basic income (UBI) advocate Scott Santens highlighted broke into the top five Twitter trends in the United States.

Previously, the Yang Gang pushed the “TrumpFearsYang” hashtag as their candidate made an appearance at the New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention. Per The Inquisitr, many of them paired the hashtag with their stories of switching support from Trump to Yang.

Yang’s central proposal is a UBI of $1,000 for every American to cushion the purported impending job losses due to automation — primarily in the truck driving, retail, and call center industries — and proposes to pay for his plan in part by taxing the big technology companies posed to gain the most from automation. The 44-year-old entrepreneur suggests that the working class is struggling due to an economy shifting due to this rise in automation — not increases in immigration, as Trump says. His campaign’s focus on the working class echoes Trump, although he notes that while Trump was right about the problems facing America, his solutions were wrong.

During an interview with The Telegraph, Yang suggested that he is “peeling off Trump supporters” because of Trump’s failure to follow through on addressing the problems he identified.

“There were many people who voted for Donald Trump because they believed his solutions, but his solutions were garbage and nonsense. They’re attracted to me because I’m talking about the same problems. I’m running to solve problems that got Trump elected. It means, if I’m the Democrat nominee, we will win, and most Democrats want a nominee who’s going to win.”

According to Yang, automation may not be here yet, but concerns over it are already affecting the economy.

“People who understand technology know my concerns around automation are coming true as we speak. They see it in real time,” he said.

As of now, Trump has yet to address Yang’s campaign publicly. The serial entrepreneur believes that Trump has remained quiet out of fear, having recently highlighted a comment the president made at a West Virginia rally that the only thing that scares him is an unknown candidate that “comes out of nowhere.”


All Star
Nov 1, 2013
I thought he did okay, defiantly need to come stronger at the end (even though he was ignored throughout the debate). He needs to interject and butt in instead of just raising your hand. You know damn well they aint gonna let you speak. Be more aggressive like how Castro was tonight.
He's opener was the best tho. The pea farm story was good too.
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