dont be that guy.
youre looking stupid right now.
and im not even a fan of this team. theres no need for me to type bullchit.

listen..... this is not women college basketball
fall back -i posted this da other day and have YET to hear any philly fans or anybody who supports this trade -come back answer to it
philly got raped.... NOW who stupid & who noti dont understand what philly fans or anybody who co-sign this trade
lemme break it down
philly with iggy
12/13 -iggy $15milly
13/14 -iggy $16milly
total $31milly
philly trade iggy
12/13 -brynum/jrich $23milly
13/14 -jrich $6.5milly
14/15 -jrich $6.5milly
total $36milly
with iggy $31mill
w/o iggy $36mill
so philly basically added $5mill more
YET nikkaz STILL cosigning this as a great move for cap space
can 1 of youse who cosign this PLEASE explain ur math too me