DNA testing is showing it. Here is a heading form Ancestry DNA for Cameroon Congo:
Primarily located in: Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Republic of Congo
Also found in: Angola, Chad
Then I Gedmatched it for modern ethnic groups and here it is:
Admix Results (sorted):
# Population Percent
1 Neo_African 48.11
2 Palaeo_African 27.97
3 East_African 9.14
4 West_European 5.65
5 Northwest_African 3.39
6 Mediterranean 2.6
7 East_European 1.5
8 South_Asian 1.08
9 Southeast_Asian 0.56
Single Population Sharing:
# Population (source) Distance
1 ASW (HapMap) 5.98
2 Luhya (Henn) 11.68
3 LWK (HapMap) 11.69
4 Luhya (Xing) 12.07
5 Kaba (Henn) 12.47
6 Mada (Henn) 13.43
7 Hausa (Henn) 14.03
8 Kongo (Henn) 14.22
9 Bamoun (Henn) 14.58
10 Fang (Henn) 15.02
11 Brong (Henn) 15.22
12 Igbo (Henn) 15.51
13 Nguni (Xing) 16.09
14 Pedi (Xing) 16.24
15 Bambaran (Xing) 17.62
16 Xhosa (Henn) 19.28
17 Alur (Xing) 19.59
18 Dogon (Xing) 19.79
19 Fulani (Henn) 21.63
20 Sotho_Tswana (Xing) 21.72
Okay is that just from one individual or all AAs?