Amy Hennig - The Industry's Problem w/ Players Never Finishing Games


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
I don't mind more ep
6-8 hour campaign + a hefty MP experience

20 hour SP campaigns are not always enticing imo especially when it’s primarily a linear experience

Maybe I've just been playing stupid play count games, but, 20 hours don't sound bad.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider was 15-20 hours and it had some of the better pacing of a modern game I've played.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
Maybe I've just been playing stupid play count games, but, 20 hours don't sound bad.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider was 15-20 hours and it had some of the better pacing of a modern game I've played.

I'm not speaking in “absolutes” so yes of course there are exceptions


All Star
Aug 10, 2015
Plus everything doesn't have to be open world to be dope.

That’s a big issue. I feel open world games are just an easy sell because of the reasons we hate them. It’s full of filler. It’s why I never grind for camos, emblems, or prestige in the old Call Of Duty. It made no sense to reset my stats for some deviantart emblem.


Oct 15, 2015
I suffer from this problem. I got countless games that i get far into but never finished.
I still got to complete spider-man , horizon , red dead redeption 2 , and some other games.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
The thing is imo of course, it's not a problem of something being "cinematic", there's just the fact that there are:
  1. LOTS of other games out vying for our attention(every other week a big game drops for certain platforms)
  2. Other things people do outside of gaming(work, school, relationships, hobbies etc.)
  3. Filler in games that are there for purposes of padding the whole world thereby players getting bored halfway
  4. etc.(legitmately boring games)

When you say these "cinematic" games players aren't finishing, it's often in a thread about a specific PS4 exclusive implying that players are ONLY not finishing these games and that every other game outside of the cinematic games label are being finished in due time so cinematic games are inherently flawed/badly designed because gamers don't like that...

What is a cinematic game? A game with good cutscenes? RDR 2 has cinematics as does Gears 5, Quantam Break or Halo 5. Just because a game blends gameplay/cinematics effortlessly and looks so good doesn't mean it's somehow losing players. That's a myopic way of seeing things imo. Plus the video doesn't even mention "cinematic" games"

It basically presupposes that people are finishing your Assassin's Creeds, your Red Dead Redemptions, your Resident Evils, your Destiny 2s, Witcher 3 and other big AAA games because they're not quote unquote cinematic. That's somewhat untrue and there is data to back this up.

God of War for example, had over 50% of gamers finish it and it was a lengthy game. 50% of players finished Spider-Man(PS4). 34% of players finished Persona 5(A 100 hour JRPG).
More Than 50% of People Who Own God of War Have Completed the Game's Story

RDR2 and Assassin's Creed data reveals how few people complete games - GameRevolution

The biggest one is Detroit:Become Human which is what I'd call quite literally a CINEMATIC game had the BIGGEST completion rate(61%).

Contrary to that, Crash Bandicoot N sane Trilogy(A simple platformer) which is not a cinematic game shows only 12% completion. RDR2 only 22%. The takeaway from this is that people have too much games/things to compete with for their time and therefore it's only natural some games don't get finished by a lot of players. Does this mean they will never get finished? Do players not have backlogs? The main thing I'd disagree with from what I'm inferring from your posts(just from this post and past ones) is that somehow devs need to scrap/lessen single player "cinematic" experiences to cater towards multiplayer because that's something you may hang onto way longer. Or that cinematic games are a waste of dev time because players aren't finishing them. An argument can be made that players aren't reaching an arbitrary level in MP games and therefore don't even get to really see/experience weapons/skills as they only played for a few hours.

I don't think that's a smart option either as there's loads of games with MP that gets DROPPED heavy. Gears 5 active numbers DROPPED substantially compared to other shooters. Halo MCC numbers on Steam cratered after a week. At the end of the day, should devs not make a beautifully crafted experience because they can't get every single purchase to finish it? Does every book published gets read in full by each buyer?
That's just how things are going to be when it's consumable media for someone at the comfort of their home.

Plenty of shooters/MP games have big drops after a couple of weeks and someone could easily write up an article/make a video about how players don't stick to MP games and therefore what can be done about it. I don't agree with Amy Henning's proposal to make 6~8 hour games because it may be better for some players. It may be better for someone but it will be worse for another. Game too short? "wtf $60 for this!? Pass!" Game too long? "smh this game is padded to death" (looking at AC games).

I think if anything the big AAA open world games are the ones that are mostly not finished by gamers, not the God of Wars or TLOUs as you seem to want to imply(again from what I've seen you say on this before.)

I never finished GTA V, Witcher 3, most JRPGS I've started, a few short games like Wolfenstein all for different reasons. I did finish God of War, FFVIIR, Spider-Man, TLOU, UC4/UC LL, Persona 5, Detroit and a few others. I didn't finish Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank(got to the very end) and Horizon Zero Dawn. The three least cinematic games. Didn't finish Forza Horizon 4 either.

That's my thoughts.
I don’t think it’s the amount of games coming out at all. Games came out in FAR more abundance and I mean heavy hitters back in the PS1 and PS2 days. I think it’s that people have too many distractions. And too much access at their fingertips. Like people live on social media and their phones. And add ur job and all kinda shyt like that. On top of games being much longer on average than they ever were. I could see why people aren’t finishing.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
Only got time for games with linear stories or pickup and play games.

That open world collect-a-thon shyt be doing too much.

GOD OF WAR AND HZD sweet spots in open world

interesting...I immensely disliked god of war for the same reasons you like it...felt it was far too linear to even be considered “open world” and it did too much hand-holding as far as exploration goes...I’m not criticizing your opinion btw I just never considered that ppl enjoyed it as a straightforward gaming experience...I think I was “guilty” of wanting more for this one when the series has pretty much always been a linear fighting/slashing experience