I dunno, man. Imagine just being worshipped by old school Lil Flip fans and kids who eat lucky Charms cereal to being like.... God of Lottery/Casinos, where everybody worships luck and wishes for gold to fall into their lap.
That's not a spoiler, btw. Just me thinking what a modern day leprechaun would be actually up to.
Matter fact, what other New Gods could you cats imagine..... without spoiling shyt?
Just think, Easteria is strong enough to create famine on that scale, and easter is mainly just a American thing, and as was mentioned; when it's celebrated we just think about jesus, not her. I wonder how powerful jesus and Allah really are if that's the case, since ya know, people pray to those fukkers multiple times a day
jesus' power is super watered down across all the million kinds of jesus people believe in
Not arguing here, just for sake of conversation: as of may 2017, in the U.S alone there are 196.8mill white, 37.6mill black, 14.4mill asian, 9mill other. For laymans terms let's assume they all believe in their respective ethnic jesus, that's still a ton more believers than people that probably celebrate easter. Like I mentioned above, that's not taking into consideration anyone not in the U.S. so even if they're watered down they still have to be way more powerful than Easteria
Nah it wouldn't work like that. The scene where the Catholic Mexicans get killed by the Evangelical Americans seals the deal on jesus' power. It's divided by race and ethnicity. These races and ethnicities fight each other, thus making Jesus' power beatable, or at the very least a weapon for personal use (see: Easter). So what you would essentially see, and what we actually do see in real life, are Christians/Catholics who believe in fukkn horoscopes, and the power of Mars, and cringe at the #13, and believe in Leprechauns, and the power of Feng Shui, and a million different saints.
Easteria has the one up because she doesn't present a visible threat to the belief in Jesus (in her current form). That's why the christian holiday and pagan holiday are able to coexist. There is always going to be a power struggle, but can your respective followers mutually coexist and worship together. That's the compromise that all God's, old or new, are faced with. The story of the Native American god dying is a story of not being able to mutually coexist in the new world once your elders pass and your descendants assimilate into a new culture. Protestants and Baptists - you name it - mutually coexist UNTIL their forced to go to war with each other in some social or economic domain.
Easteria also has the one up because she represents a season, one that brings in a new harvest. So every inch of the globe, every faith - believers or nonbelievers - depends on her existence. She ultimately wins because her disconnect with modern times is just a branding issue. You pray to god for the food on your table, but spring saved you from winters fast. Once they kick in the climate change angle, it's a wrap. So far out of the group, she has the potential to do the most damage and rock everyone's faith the worse. If she teams up with a few more harvest Gods it's officially a wrap on society.
Mr. World is extending an olive branch to Odin under the guise of mutual coexistence, but Odin rightfully sees that it's merely a ploy to keep the Old God's from ever being able to reassert cultural dominance in the world.
However the Old God's will never be culturally dominant without ripping away all modern forms of human advancement. Regression is what Mr. World is trying to prevent and what Odin needs. The end game is what Shadow Moon does not foresee.
This is all my opinion of course. I have never read the book or read a blog about this show outside of this thread.