Simple enough for a high schooler such as myself to do it but you still had to learn it and have some good sense to you and attention to detail. Basically, it took a little more thinking than running popcorn machine, for example.
During the weekends there'd be one person on each side but on weekdays you were running ALL projectors and you're supposed to play the
right film, on time. Literally RUNNING fullspeed from one side of the theater to the other cuz you got two movies starting at the same time was just a given. And again, they need to be the RIGHT movie

The same theater could show 2 or 3 different movies throughout the day. One dude got fired cuz he accidentally put on a horror movie and it was supposed to be some kids movie. I mean LITTLE kid shyt
You needed to be swift and efficient too. The films would go thru this contraption called "the brain" but if you fed the film wrong there, or somewhere else, you'd wind up with a "brain wrap"
Them bytches didn't PAY ME enough