I Really Mean It
I don’t even know if I’d have the will to fight that monstrosity.
Might be on some

I don’t even know if I’d have the will to fight that monstrosity.
I don’t even know if I’d have the will to fight that monstrosity.
Might be on some
Wanted to take a moment to appreciate dope level design. I'll start by highlighting what inspired the thread and one of my 2021 GotYs, Hitman 3. The Dartmoor Manor. Brehs, they could've easily made an entire game around this one stage. It's so meticulously crafted and there are innumerable ways to complete the mission. I've replayed it several times (I never do this) and I recommend the game on this alone. Next is the Clockwork Mansion of Dishonored 2. The way the level dynamically shifts depending on the levers you pull. And then there's Crack in the Slab a few missions later. People want to talk about R&C: Rift Apart
and its so-called dimension switching but D2 is the pinnacle of this sort of mechanic and it didn't need PS5 "blast processing" to make it work. My last mention is Titanfall 2
. The Effect and Cause mission is like Edge of Tomorrow distilled into video game form. Blew my mind at the time and remains a masterclass in level design.
OG Mirror's Edge