I'm saying that GAY SEX has always been around.This guy Napoleon said homosexuality existed prior to the Greeks in African societes, but can't post proof, because there is no proof.
I'm done debating you fam, if you can't see that homosexuality is a problem in the Black community and is weakening us as a collective then you must be a c00n or a CAC. Have a nice day and find another thread to post in.
Its not hard to really get to that conclusion.
Male + Male + fukking = Gay sex.
really not that difficult to imagine.
Yet, since the "EARLIEST" you can go is the greeks, you WANT TO SAY it came from the greeks. ...and you know you can't do that.

Yet you IGNORE that VERY FEW AFRICAN TEXTS OF ANY SORT HAVE BEEN FOUND OR PRESERVED...yet you want to make a proclaimation about the state of "africa" at large...as if its not a fukking continent.

You smart-dumb nikkas are so thiristy for knowledge about africa, that you would rather ignore that there is VERY LITTLE INFORMATION ABOUT THE HISTORY OF AFRICA KNOWN EVEN TO THIS DAY...and yet proclaim you know what "africans" would REALLY have been doing.