its called freedom of speech. it didnt happen on COMPANY GROUND. thats my problem
u dont get it dude. if this is fair game, then so are messages to your scorned ex girlfriend.
so this guy should still be employed?
Alleged Racist Rant - West Virginia's Eyewitness News
u dont get it dude. if this is fair game, then so are messages to your scorned ex girlfriend.
They are employees of the NBA and there's a behavior stipulation in their contracts man.
in your world of idiotic logic, its a "private" phone call so he should be free of repercussions. is the guy amare insulted not an "nba paying customer"
Nobody is saying its "right", we are just explaining how/why it happen and why companies won't get in trouble for it.
trust me man, i work for the government. I know what the deal is, im just saying someone needs to challenge it because it aint legal. If a case ever reached the supreme court they would call it unconstitutional. Unless you signed a statement that u explicitly violated.
my opinion of government workers dipped even lower if they have guys with this level of knowledge/logic on the payroll. "trust me guys a company fining an employee for violating company policy is unconstitutional i know what the deal is" fukk outta here
so in other words, you have zero response to how this is illegal, and how its unconstitutional. got it