While i haven't been thrilled with most the tv leading into Mania, I'm still looking forward to the show. Punk/Taker and the undercard matches all could be promising as long they don't pull no bullshyt like last years opener.
Twice in a Lifetime, will be Twice in a Lifetime. Nothing worth getting mad about, I liked last years match so hopefully they'll give us a good showing.
I don't care about HHH/Lesnar, because I find HHH to be a black hole of entertainment. But with Lesnar, Heyman and especially HBGOAT now being involved should be able to compensate for his presence.
Twice in a Lifetime, will be Twice in a Lifetime. Nothing worth getting mad about, I liked last years match so hopefully they'll give us a good showing.
I don't care about HHH/Lesnar, because I find HHH to be a black hole of entertainment. But with Lesnar, Heyman and especially HBGOAT now being involved should be able to compensate for his presence.