Am I the only one that has no interest in this years WrestleMania ?


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Cena vs Rock vs Punk don't make all that much sense considering he got beat two months str8. What would be the reasoning for him to get another title shot after losing yet again to Cena? It's out of the blue. An IWC wet dream fantasy..yes I know that is the par the course for the naive and stupid around here but it doesn't add up. And what? The Undertaker is supposed to siphoned out to push Punk into another inevitable loss?:laugh: Punk should of lost that belt months ago to Bryan or even Ryback. Then he could of been built up leading to this match. Everything is just so fukked up in booking that it never stood a chance. Bryan turned face during a comedy tag team when he and AJ should of fukked over Punk months ago and got that belt, went over in the rematch, and stayed strong until Rumble. Then Rock should of went over and then faced Punk at EC if they wanted to be so fukking obsessed with giving Cena another match.


May 8, 2012
I know my rep on here is the 'pro-WWE' guy... but fukkit... have any of y'all ever thought that this excitement about WrestleMania y'all seem to lack and post about EVERY SINGLE YEAR is cause we ain't kids anymore?

I think it's a feeling y'all are chasing but just ain't gonna feel again because with the exception of one of us, we all have things goin' on in our lives other than watching wrestling. It ain't like we're goin' to school and talkin' about it with our friends anymore, or trying to guess what happens next since now we read every fukkin' report on the internet... why would you expect to be as excited for WrestleMania as you were back in the day?

I take it for what it is- the show they center their TV around for almost two months, way more than they center it around any other PPV during the year. The show where we get to see some things we don't see on TV every week, and as of late, some wrestlers we don't see but a few times per year. I don't watch Raw every week expecting to feel like I did watching the "WrestleMania Report" during the weeks before WrestleMania VI... cause I was a damn kid, and ANY match on that shyt was exciting to me at the time. shyt, this year they have the best roster they've had in years and nikkas are still complaining- people are actually rolling their eyes about Undertaker vs CM Punk while wishing shyt could be like WMX when we got to see matches like Lex Luger vs Yokozuna :heh: No matter what the card is, that "WrestleMania feeling" isn't coming back. It's really that simple.
May 7, 2012
I know my rep on here is the 'pro-WWE' guy... but fukkit... have any of y'all ever thought that this excitement about WrestleMania y'all seem to lack and post about EVERY SINGLE YEAR is cause we ain't kids anymore?

I think it's a feeling y'all are chasing but just ain't gonna feel again because with the exception of one of us, we all have things goin' on in our lives other than watching wrestling. It ain't like we're goin' to school and talkin' about it with our friends anymore, or trying to guess what happens next since now we read every fukkin' report on the internet... why would you expect to be as excited for WrestleMania as you were back in the day?

I take it for what it is- the show they center their TV around for almost two months, way more than they center it around any other PPV during the year. The show where we get to see some things we don't see on TV every week, and as of late, some wrestlers we don't see but a few times per year. I don't watch Raw every week expecting to feel like I did watching the "WrestleMania Report" during the weeks before WrestleMania VI... cause I was a damn kid, and ANY match on that shyt was exciting to me at the time. shyt, this year they have the best roster they've had in years and nikkas are still complaining- people are actually rolling their eyes about Undertaker vs CM Punk while wishing shyt could be like WMX when we got to see matches like Lex Luger vs Yokozuna :heh: No matter what the card is, that "WrestleMania feeling" isn't coming back. It's really that simple.

Nah, this WM build just sucks.

Last year had that WM feel, felt like a big must see event.


May 8, 2012
Nah, this WM build just sucks.

Last year had that WM feel, felt like a big must see event.

The build's been going for what, 2 weeks? There's still like a whole month left. Whole Manias have been set-up in a month before, including the one everybody hails as the greatest ever.
May 7, 2012
The build's been going for what, 2 weeks? There's still like a whole month left. Whole Manias have been set-up in a month before, including the one everybody hails as the greatest ever.

It's been two weeks and they`ve planted seeds, so we have an idea of what the show is going to be ,and it sucks.

Bottom line it's getting killed by the E focusing so much on the 3 main events and letting everything else just fall in place randomly.


May 8, 2012
It's been two weeks and they`ve planted seeds, so we have an idea of what the show is going to be ,and it sucks.

Bottom line it's getting killed by the E focusing so much on the 3 main events and letting everything else just fall in place randomly.

They've been doin the same thing for like... 28 years! :heh:

You think every match at Mania III had some epic months-long build? Or WM17 had months of thought put into every single thing on the card? Hell nah, the main matches (usually three or four, sometimes five) got all the focus, and the rest just kinda happened over the weeks leading up. How long we been watching wrestling? It's just this increased level of impatience people have now where if everything isn't at a fever pitch the first week out, it sucks and will never be any good.

I've seen it every year since I started getting on internet boards. People even did this about Mania 17, if you can believe that... believe it or not, there was incessant bytching about them having another Austin/Rock main event, and how Angle had nothing to do until the last week, and how they cheated us out of Benoit/Guerrero when it appeared they'd be doing that match, and how there's already been two Hardyz/E&C/Dudleyz ladder matches and a third would be overkill, and just all kinds of bullshyt... now, you ask people about Mania17 and there's nothing but great things to say about it. I'm not comparing WM17 to WM29, but gotdamn, at least let the build... build...


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I know my rep on here is the 'pro-WWE' guy... but fukkit... have any of y'all ever thought that this excitement about WrestleMania y'all seem to lack and post about EVERY SINGLE YEAR is cause we ain't kids anymore?

Nah I was pretty pumped for Mania 24 and I was 20 years old at the time. Was also pretty exited for 26 and 27.

The build's been going for what, 2 weeks? There's still like a whole month left. Whole Manias have been set-up in a month before, including the one everybody hails as the greatest ever.

X-7 was nothing like 29 because even though most of the matches were announced with little build, they were matches everyone wanted to see. Rock vs Austin, TLC II, Taker vs HHH was a complete new matchup and Hunter was coming off an amazing 2000 and start of 01', and you had the little gift of the impromptu Benoit vs Angle match.

This year every feud that's been built we either have already seen and doesn't look like it's gonna be anything more than "good" on the ring or just isn't interesting at all.

Add that to the fact that in the past 4 years they haven't given any non-big match a chance to steal the show so the only hope that the show is great to watch is if the mainevents are very good.

The last time a Wrestlemania felt this poorly built was Wrestlemania 25 and that show sucked for the most part.

I know you like to play devil's advocate and go :whoa: to TSC's reaction to pretty much everything, but this is a little too much :laugh:


May 8, 2012
Nah I was pretty pumped for Mania 24 and I was 20 years old at the time. Was also pretty exited for 26 and 27.

X-7 was nothing like 29 because even though most of the matches were announced with little build, they were matches everyone wanted to see. Rock vs Austin, TLC II, Taker vs HHH was a complete new matchup and Hunter was coming off an amazing 2000 and start of 01', and you had the little gift of the impromptu Benoit vs Angle match.

The last time a Wrestlemania felt this poorly built was Wrestlemania 25 and that show sucked for the most part.

I know you like to play devil's advocate and go :whoa: to TSC's reaction to pretty much everything, but this is a little too much :laugh:

How is a show that is still a month away "poorly built", bruh... the build ain't even finished building. People cryin' about Taker/Punk when the shyt is literally three days old, like it all stops here... that's what I mean with the whole :whoa: perspective on things. If it still feels like this by the time the show is here, that's one thing, but jeeesh...

Far as WM17, so all the matches besides the main ones, people wanted to see? There was a lot of clamoring for Test vs Eddie Guerrero, APA & Tazz against Right to Censor, Kane vs Big Show vs Raven in a Hardcore match, stuff like that? Nahhh man... Taker/HHH was good, TLC just kinda got announced and that was good, but they were also key matches on the card. They weren't being treated as the background to bigger matches.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
How is a show that is still a month away "poorly built", bruh... the build ain't even finished building. People cryin' about Taker/Punk when the shyt is literally three days old, like it all stops here... that's what I mean with the whole :whoa: perspective on things. If it still feels like this by the time the show is here, that's one thing, but jeeesh...

Far as WM17, so all the matches besides the main ones, people wanted to see? There was a lot of clamoring for Test vs Eddie Guerrero, APA & Tazz against Right to Censor, Kane vs Big Show vs Raven in a Hardcore match, stuff like that? Nahhh man... Taker/HHH was good, TLC just kinda got announced and that was good, but they were also key matches on the card. They weren't being treated as the background to bigger matches.

The whole card is being critized for it's build up this time because as I've already said the main matches are stuff we already seen or are just not interested in seeing. So the only thing left to be exited about are the undercard matches. If that stuff is going nowhere, we are left with a build up that's boring as fukk.

W X-7 is a bad comparison because the excitement for the top 4 matches was big (if the feeling on the IWC at the time was different, I could care less tbh) so I was fine with what I was presented with. This time I'm looking for something else to look forward too and there's nothing there.

Yeah, there's still 4 RAWs left. But I'm not gonna be pumped about Brock vs HHH II no matter what, I already now the match ain't gonna be anything beyond "good". No interest in Punk vs Taker because it has been rushed and come out of left field, and those two have little chemistry in the ring. Swagger vs Del Rio is a good midcard feud. Cena vs Rock II is the only one I'ma give time to develop because they can do things that might be interesting...can't say the same about the rest.


May 8, 2012
The whole card is being critized for it's build up this time because as I've already said the main matches are stuff we already seen or are just not interested in seeing. So the only thing left to be exited about are the undercard matches. If that stuff is going nowhere, we are left with a build up that's boring as fukk.

W X-7 is a bad comparison because the excitement for the top 4 matches was big (if the feeling on the IWC at the time was different, I could care less tbh) so I was fine with what I was presented with. This time I'm looking for something else to look forward too and there's nothing there.

Right, X-7 is a bad comparison to you because if I'm not mistaken, you were 13 at the time... which means you were in middle school and probably had a bunch of friends who watched WWF at the time, and you probably hadn't been watching wrestling for years on top of years. Hate to bear the bad news, but after you've watched wrestling... a LOT of wrestling... for years... that 13-year-old enthusiasm ain't ever gonna be the same. I'd love to get excited about ANYTHING as much as I did about WrestleMania 8 when I was 13... but a Hulk Hogan/Sid main event is a pretty :huhldup: thing to be hyped about in retrospect.

The feeling on the IWC was very different than you and your friends' feeling was, and I'm willing to bet it's the same way now. We're older now, watched wrestling for years, seen it all, and the time of having intrigue and awe about a WrestleMania card is pretty much done. Sad but true. I expect a good show... if it falls short of being that, it won't be the first time. I've seen some Manias with cards that were doomed to suck from the get-go... I can't really say this is one of 'em.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Right, X-7 is a bad comparison to you because if I'm not mistaken, you were 13 at the time... which means you were in middle school and probably had a bunch of friends who watched WWF at the time, and you probably hadn't been watching wrestling for years on top of years. Hate to bear the bad news, but after you've watched wrestling... a LOT of wrestling... for years... that 13-year-old enthusiasm ain't ever gonna be the same. I'd love to get excited about ANYTHING as much as I did about WrestleMania 8 when I was 13... but a Hulk Hogan/Sid main event is a pretty :huhldup: thing to be hyped about in retrospect.

The feeling on the IWC was very different than you and your friends' feeling was, and I'm willing to bet it's the same way now. We're older now, watched wrestling for years, seen it all, and the time of having intrigue and awe about a WrestleMania card is pretty much done. Sad but true. I expect a good show... if it falls short of being that, it won't be the first time. I've seen some Manias with cards that were doomed to suck from the get-go... I can't really say this is one of 'em.

See, that's just not true.

I'm on my 20's and was exited about WM 24, 26 and 27.

27 had Cena vs Miz breh, that's a :huhldup: mainevent too but I was still very interested on the show because the other stuff was worth it (most didn't pan out to be anything to write home about but that's another subject).

This Wrestlemania feels like 25. Mediocrity and uninteresting shyt all around.


May 8, 2012
See, that's just not true.

I'm on my 20's and was exited about WM 24, 26 and 27.

27 had Cena vs Miz breh, that's a :huhldup: mainevent too but I was still very interested on the show because the other stuff was worth it (most didn't pan out to be anything to write home about but that's another subject).

This Wrestlemania feels like 25. Mediocrity and uninteresting shyt all around.

I guess we just differ on the topic then... cause Mania 27 as a whole was a pretty :huhldup: situation all the way around. If not for Taker/H and Orton/Punk, that thing was probably one of the Manias I've least looked forward to.

Now 26 was a different story... that one had some well-built feuds heading in- more than usual, actually. Not sure all the matches matched the builds (i.e. Mysterio/Punk getting 6 minutes, Bret/McMahon), but for the most part it was a good show. These last two? Blah. I could be wrong but I think this one will probably be the best one we've seen since 24.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I guess we just differ on the topic then... cause Mania 27 as a whole was a pretty :huhldup: situation all the way around. If not for Taker/H and Orton/Punk, that thing was probably one of the Manias I've least looked forward to.

Now 26 was a different story... that one had some well-built feuds heading in- more than usual, actually. Not sure all the matches matched the builds (i.e. Mysterio/Punk getting 6 minutes, Bret/McMahon), but for the most part it was a good show. These last two? Blah. I could be wrong but I think this one will probably be the best one we've seen since 24.

Although the build up was mostly crap. I was looking forward Cody vs Rey and Sheamus vs D-Bry. Got to remember they got the pre-show treatment at the last minute, I was pumped to see Bryan get his first Mania match (and 2 years later he still hasn't had a proper one :laugh:). That alongside Taker vs HHH and Orton vs Punk were enough for me to be looking forward to the show.

Regarding this year. I don't know how you can be interested in 3 rematches between 6 guys that have never had good matches against each other and have zero chemistry in the ring between them. Hopefully they surprise me but I ain't getting my hopes up. I gotta see it to believe it :manny:
May 26, 2012
They've been doin the same thing for like... 28 years! :heh:

You think every match at Mania III had some epic months-long build? Or WM17 had months of thought put into every single thing on the card? Hell nah, the main matches (usually three or four, sometimes five) got all the focus, and the rest just kinda happened over the weeks leading up. How long we been watching wrestling? It's just this increased level of impatience people have now where if everything isn't at a fever pitch the first week out, it sucks and will never be any good.

I've seen it every year since I started getting on internet boards. People even did this about Mania 17, if you can believe that... believe it or not, there was incessant bytching about them having another Austin/Rock main event, and how Angle had nothing to do until the last week, and how they cheated us out of Benoit/Guerrero when it appeared they'd be doing that match, and how there's already been two Hardyz/E&C/Dudleyz ladder matches and a third would be overkill, and just all kinds of bullshyt... now, you ask people about Mania17 and there's nothing but great things to say about it. I'm not comparing WM17 to WM29, but gotdamn, at least let the build... build...

I remember the constant bytching from the IWC about Rock and Austin main eventing again. Talking about its gonna be the same predictable matchup and guys like Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho(Whom was a IWC savior) was shafted. Look at how things turned afterwards.

Hell on paper Wrestle mania 16 looked like it was gonna be a classic but that turned to shyt. You can't judge books by its cover