Am I the only one that has no interest in this years WrestleMania ?


May 1, 2012
Hip Hop
I just hope daniel bryan gets to work. The crowd is gonna go nuts if he gets past 18 fukkin seconds.
May 7, 2012
I just hope daniel bryan gets to work. The crowd is gonna go nuts if he gets past 18 fukkin seconds.

If he doesn't, no joke I think they`re going to do him like the opposite of Taker.

His streak is going to be the opposite, just embarassed every WM.

If he does though, it`ll be some bullshyt match like a tag-team title match or Kane/Bryan and go no more than 7 minutes


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Only thing I'm even looking forward to now is a creative, entertaining, and successful Ziggler cash-in.

That, and :buried: aligning with The Shield to close the show.

Edit: Oh, and Mizzark burying that scrub Ryback, since that match is looking official. :blessed:

I'm dead serious if these three things happen, I will order the next WWE PPV and post cable bill as proof.

Show us you're not fukking clueless and that this stupid #itsnotsupposedtobegood shyt has no legs.
Smart money's on exactly zero of these things happening, unfortunately. Extremely obvious build for the whole thing only to swerve everything at the end? Nah, not at Mania.

A far more likely outcome:

-Face Cena beats Face Rock clean after 3 AA's. Crowd boos but children cheer.
-Haitch gets win back on Brock :snooze:
-Punk carries Taker to a better match than he has any business being in at this point. 21-0, could be a cool moment with a Bearer/urn tribute
-No Ziggler cashin
-Predictable, throwaway undercard, all faces go over, Ryback beats Shield, Bryan possibly jobbing in 17 seconds
-About an hour of godawful "comedy" sketches and advertisements
-Embarrassing musical performance
-Multiple "oh wow!" shots of F-list celebrities (Fred Durst, Deena from the Jersey Shore, a random lineman from the Arizona Cardinals)


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Smart money's on exactly zero of these things happening, unfortunately. Extremely obvious build for the whole thing only to swerve everything at the end? Nah, not at Mania.

A far more likely outcome:

-Face Cena beats Face Rock clean after 3 AA's. Crowd boos but children cheer.
-Haitch gets win back on Brock :snooze:
-Punk carries Taker to a better match than he has any business being in at this point. 21-0, could be a cool moment with a Bearer/urn tribute
-No Ziggler cashin
-Predictable, throwaway undercard, all faces go over, Ryback beats Shield, Bryan possibly jobbing in 17 seconds
-About an hour of godawful "comedy" sketches and advertisements
-Multiple "oh wow!" shots of F-list celebrities (Fred Durst, Deena from the Jersey Shore, a random lineman from the Arizona Cardinals)


[Generic Custom Title]
Dec 13, 2012
Notts, UK
When you already know 3 of the results already, it really kills the excitement for me. I mean, they might still be great matches, but it's not going to be an unexpected finish.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Smart money's on exactly zero of these things happening, unfortunately. Extremely obvious build for the whole thing only to swerve everything at the end? Nah, not at Mania.

A far more likely outcome:

-Face Cena beats Face Rock clean after 3 AA's. Crowd boos but children cheer.
-Haitch gets win back on Brock :snooze:
-Punk carries Taker to a better match than he has any business being in at this point. 21-0, could be a cool moment with a Bearer/urn tribute
-No Ziggler cashin
-Predictable, throwaway undercard, all faces go over, Ryback beats Shield, Bryan possibly jobbing in 17 seconds
-About an hour of godawful "comedy" sketches and advertisements
-Embarrassing musical performance
-Multiple "oh wow!" shots of F-list celebrities (Fred Durst, Deena from the Jersey Shore, a random lineman from the Arizona Cardinals)

I agree 100% with those points, but I may be crazy but I dont think it's going to be as straight foward as yall thinkjust because its mania, any other ppv I would agree but somethings not going to go the way yall think I would put my coli cash on it


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I'm gonna enjoy the night getting high and drunk with my nikkas, Wrestlemania's just gonna be on for the sake of it :manny:

Last year's was garbage as well aside from a couple of matches, it's more the occasion than hoping it's gonna be this great PPV

Besides, with drinking games and shyt it can get entertaining. Do a shot every time Cole mentions Tout or Twitter, do a shot every time he says "THE STREAK IS OVER", do a shot every time Sin Cara botches...
Yall would be drunk as shyt if yall did that, nikkas would have to be carried home after the shows over.. oh and dont start the game during the pre show


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
:laugh: It's gonna be very disgusting when there is no part timers and they get embarrassing WM 11 numbers. Yeah...that's gonna get filed too:takedat:

To quote the wrestler who called himself Edge about guys taking another full timer's spot..."it wouldn't matter if Rock or Lesnar are on the card, a true star would stand out and have his proper position on the card anyway". Best thing that Canadian ever said because it was absolutely true. There's a reason CM Punk isn't main eventing. There's a reason why Blandy is 32 and taking pinfalls as a buffer to a Undertaker match. There's a reason why Ryback is direction-less after actually making a difference on PPV numbers. Vince McMahon and his family only care about the bottom line and those guys could NOT CUT it all year last year. Now..there is mere excuses from the unknowing and confused.

:ohlawd: This man speaks the truth on this, I like randy but none of those guys are gonna make me want to buy ppvs


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
The whole card is being critized for it's build up this time because as I've already said the main matches are stuff we already seen or are just not interested in seeing. So the only thing left to be exited about are the undercard matches. If that stuff is going nowhere, we are left with a build up that's boring as fukk.

W X-7 is a bad comparison because the excitement for the top 4 matches was big (if the feeling on the IWC at the time was different, I could care less tbh) so I was fine with what I was presented with. This time I'm looking for something else to look forward too and there's nothing there.

Yeah, there's still 4 RAWs left. But I'm not gonna be pumped about Brock vs HHH II no matter what, I already now the match ain't gonna be anything beyond "good". No interest in Punk vs Taker because it has been rushed and come out of left field, and those two have little chemistry in the ring. Swagger vs Del Rio is a good midcard feud. Cena vs Rock II is the only one I'ma give time to develop because they can do things that might be interesting...can't say the same about the rest.

See the way I look at it is, it's just wrestling, I've seen just about everything over the last 20+ years. If something great happens fine if not, :manny: maybe next time. I dont understand how you can be so caught up in what you think is supposed to happen as opposed to just waiting and seein what they have in store.

Right, X-7 is a bad comparison to you because if I'm not mistaken, you were 13 at the time... which means you were in middle school and probably had a bunch of friends who watched WWF at the time, and you probably hadn't been watching wrestling for years on top of years. Hate to bear the bad news, but after you've watched wrestling... a LOT of wrestling... for years... that 13-year-old enthusiasm ain't ever gonna be the same. I'd love to get excited about ANYTHING as much as I did about WrestleMania 8 when I was 13... but a Hulk Hogan/Sid main event is a pretty :huhldup: thing to be hyped about in retrospect.

The feeling on the IWC was very different than you and your friends' feeling was, and I'm willing to bet it's the same way now. We're older now, watched wrestling for years, seen it all, and the time of having intrigue and awe about a WrestleMania card is pretty much done. Sad but true. I expect a good show... if it falls short of being that, it won't be the first time. I've seen some Manias with cards that were doomed to suck from the get-go... I can't really say this is one of 'em.

Exactly! your not 12 anymore this stuff has been done 29 times of course it looks like something you have seen before, thats because you have, rock/austin headlined 3 mania's and the rock only won once after austin was :flabby:flabbynsick: and neither of them were the champion but it made since because they were the best on the roster.

I remember the constant bytching from the IWC about Rock and Austin main eventing again. Talking about its gonna be the same predictable matchup and guys like Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho(Whom was a IWC savior) was shafted. Look at how things turned afterwards.

Hell on paper Wrestle mania 16 looked like it was gonna be a classic but that turned to shyt. You can't judge books by its cover

If the IWC had their way WWE would not be an multi billion dollar company, I hated wwe jericho because he was corny as shyt compared to rock and austin but they kept sticking him in there, and I felt the same about angle. those guys could wrestle but they were too goofy. so you have to understand if these so called good workers arent getting their "deserved" push, its because they need to work on their characters first


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
See the way I look at it is, it's just wrestling, I've seen just about everything over the last 20+ years. If something great happens fine if not, :manny: maybe next time. I dont understand how you can be so caught up in what you think is supposed to happen as opposed to just waiting and seein what they have in store.

I would be way less critical if the "wait and see" approach would've worked lately. But in past few years it always ends up in something boring or lackluster.

I'm not one of those fans that fantasy books angles and if stuff doesn't go that way says "this fukking sucks". I still enjoy the fukk out of wrestling and WWE. But for this PPV I still haven't seen anything that grabs my attention.

And I like to talk about wrestling, specially in TSC, so I'm not gonna wait 4 more weeks to give a damn opinion, that's boring as fukk.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
See the way I look at it is, it's just wrestling, I've seen just about everything over the last 20+ years. If something great happens fine if not, :manny: maybe next time. I dont understand how you can be so caught up in what you think is supposed to happen as opposed to just waiting and seein what they have in store.

Exactly! your not 12 anymore this stuff has been done 29 times of course it looks like something you have seen before, thats because you have, rock/austin headlined 3 mania's and the rock only won once after austin was :flabby:flabbynsick: and neither of them were the champion but it made since because they were the best on the roster.

If the IWC had their way WWE would not be an multi billion dollar company, I hated wwe jericho because he was corny as shyt compared to rock and austin but they kept sticking him in there, and I felt the same about angle. those guys could wrestle but they were too goofy. so you have to understand if these so called good workers arent getting their "deserved" push, its because they need to work on their characters first

None of the guys you criticized were allowed to work on their characters.
when opposite on the main program of cripple ache.
Plus, had their workrate neutered.
Just so, they could never purposefully be able to vault past cripple ache.

I think you should check more into, the actual real that has occurred backstage in this company.
For close to fifteen years now.
Ever since the cripple ache in the cutoff versus dark Hogan in tights stare down.
This company has lost the little push in the right direction, quality wise.
It had after scsa went over as the main draw.

The problem with the wwe is it sank right back into the low quality overproduced same ol same ol low level of quality.
That plagued it when it almost went out of business.

Real talk,...
If not for Foley, and then Austin.
The wwf would have been the same phoney bullshyt it was when hogun was around.
As of now, the wwe has also,...become a lower quality product.
When compared to the entire card when hogun was around as well.
At least then,...
Faces were seen as formidable, and only a match away from the title.
If, by some chance hogun was dethroned by a long time roster heel.
That was not of the bobby heenan new found nemesis.
That was a short term new addition to the roster.
Which, was always of the giant nature.

Art Barr


May 1, 2012
Now that the build's done, I think they did a decent job, I'm pretty excited to watch tomorrow. They built the three main matches well in the last couple weeks.
May 7, 2012
Now that the build's dome, I think they did a decent job, I'm pretty excited to watch tomorrow. They built the three main matches well in the last couple weeks.

I think the build of Taker/Punk is the big one that saved the weak build of the show.

Also shyt like Fandango helped, and HHH/Lesnar wit hthe stipulation was a good idea.

The undercard is strong and that was huge. Ryback/Henry, Shield/Team E, Hell No/ZiggyBiggy, Jericho/Fandango all are very interesting matches.


May 1, 2012
I think the build of Taker/Punk is the big one that saved the weak build of the show.

Also shyt like Fandango helped, and HHH/Lesnar wit hthe stipulation was a good idea.

The undercard is strong and that was huge. Ryback/Henry, Shield/Team E, Hell No/ZiggyBiggy, Jericho/Fandango all are very interesting matches.

Taker vs Punk segments were great, I'm still more interested in Brock/HHH because I really could see it going either way. The stip helps, because that's what I figured HHH would do if he was going to lose at WM anyway.

Rock/Cena hate is overblown. I'm more interested in the other two main events, but that legends segment and Cena's hinting at turning added some interest to the match for me.

The undercard is the best it's been in a few years imo. Not in terms of build/importance, but all of those could be good matches.

If you're not excited for this, I don't know how you still watch WWE. The rest of the year would be torturous if you're just watching WM tomorrow out of tradition.