Smallville didn't start out bad really it had a good cast and welling /rosenbaum played off each other well . It was a few seasons in when it started to slide with alllllll the wink nods to superman and him fighting every future villian as Clark and when it was clear they were never gonna actually make him superman in a costume . They just went on too long and some point it should if became metropolis and had him really becoming superboy. It was good for the time same way Spider-Man /xmen original movie aren't as good as winter solider and DOFP but without those movies we don't have the superhero wave .Arrow is one of the best shows period. People so hung up on the horror that was Smallville they not willing to give Arrow a shot. It's way more violent and the writing is top notch. Flash has potential for greatness and easter eggs are being dropped weekly. I like how its connected to the Arrow storyline also. Gotham seems like a useless show to me fukk a Gotham without Bats. fukk I care about the criminals as kids and teenagers for?
Hell the DC movies need to try to snatch up a few of these writers b/c the animated movies and TV shows >>>than DC fully featured movies so far.
I don't watch that Agents of Shield shyt. Marvel needs to stick to what it does best which is movies but I am anticipating that Daredevil series on Netflix.
No but explain your points because if not than this thread is kind of pointless and the only answer is yes or no and turn to a show you do like . You provided a criticism of the shows that was vague and these are shows (arrow and flash at least )both fans and the critics like . I'm not dismissing your opinion but what makes this thread worthy then ? What did you want to accomplish if not a discussion about the shows just all the people who don't like the superhero genre to run in complaining ?thread doesn't require me to elaborate my criticisms because I'm not debating anybody about the quality of the show
No but explain your points because if not than this thread is kind of pointless and the only answer is yes or no and turn to a show you do like . You provided a criticism of the shows that was vague and these are shows (arrow and flash at least )both fans and the critics like . I'm not dismissing your opinion but what makes this thread worthy then ? What did you want to accomplish if not a discussion about the shows just all the people who don't like the superhero genre to run in complaining ?
Your not looking at it in any light if you wanted only yes no answers put a poll . I wasn't criticizing you for not liking the shows because like I said I feel negative towards AoS and I'm leaning toward meh on Gotham and haven't seen any of arrow season 3 yet . I was just curious to what you don't like about the shows you can have perfectly valid reasons to not like the shows because like I said not everyone likes everythingThread is designed to be a "yes or no" thread, the thread title is literally a yes or no question. Opinionate remarks about the show seem unnecessary for this thread because I just wanted to see how many people on this site at least felt how I felt, but you'll attack me and my stance on this by discrediting the thread and labeling it "unworthy" and "pointless" because you clearly like the shows and are too insecure to just ignore a thread that might looking at what you like in a negative light.
Very true . That's why I wanted him to elaborateYou're not The First or last person to not like a certain genre of shows. Some ppl dislike crime shows, some reality tv, etc.
I tune in weekly and enjoy itAgents of shield is one of the worst shows ive ever seen. How anyone forces themself to watch that shyt is beyond me.
Marvel stans disgust me
I'm a premium cable snob (I admit it) and it took me a while before I was willing to take a look in the bushes that I threw network/basic cable in to give Hannibal a chance, and I'm glad I did. With that said, I really don't see myself watching any of these superhero shows. I fukks with the blockbuster comic book movies because I know I'm getting great production values backed by big budgets and a concise story. I fukks with the DC animated shyt because it's animated so they can pull more off. I used to watch, and like, Smallville but I was in middle school/high school so I watched a lot of garbage back then
Granted, I haven't actually given any of these shows a chance so I could be missing out on certified piff. But I can't kick the feeling that I'd be getting myself back into a Smallville situation: teens with powers dealing with the usual teen shyt and fighting bad guys too. It worked for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but vampires and demonry like that lend themselves to a darker/rawer show. And I know these shows are probably on that whole villain of the week shyt![]()
you say "superhero wise" as if there are a lot those on television atm
The only good superhero show was smallville all these new ones are shyt. But i gotta say gotham show has me interested gonna check that out
The only good superhero show was smallville all these new ones are shyt. But i gotta say gotham show has me interested gonna check that out
You realize that The CW is the same network that Smallville was on, right?Talk shyt about shows you never even watched ...
Arrow shyts all over Smallville...only reason no one is talking about it is because it's on The CW...but you wanna talk about darker/rawer you need to go watch ARROW,and then get back to this thread