The only drugs rappers can't admit to are meth and heroin. (They act like the other shyt is any better)![]()
I'd say it was in the streets before the music, I know oxys got big bcuz the H fiends would do whatever to get their hands on opiates to help with withdrawals. Seeing your classmates stumbling down the strip like a zombie is a sad sight tho
With that said Im gonna pop these Vics tonight, then ace my Economics exam tomorrow morning, pop some T3 tomrrow night, and then write a 5 page essay the following morning
I believe that an individual's free time is their free time as long as they prioritize.
celebrated in todays music?? Yes I know weed and liquor popping have been promoted in Hip Hop for ages (Although personally I was never into alcohol or drugs). But this new fascination with popping pills and drinking lean in the hood, within the last few years, just doesn't sit right with me. Especially now since I see how those said drugs have effected these kids (and even adults) out here in the streets. Seeing 16 year old kids nodding off on the block is a sad sight to see. They're not even about getting money no more. They're just content with being high all day. Nowadays, you can hardly tell the difference between them and the regular feen on the block. I'm not saying we should censor rappers from talking about it because it is happening. My thing is it's a sad sight to see because its destroying a lot of our kids lives out here. We are in a new era where the "Hustler" has become the "Customer".
No disrespect, but that is how addiction starts. You think you have control because you can do little things but as soon as the real life hits, you can't handle it and here comes the drugs to help and next thing you know it's a full blown addiction. Doing school work, is way different then paying bills, raising a family, and making money to live good. I'm older then you and seen it first hand from friends and family. The example you gave is why people become addicted, they think they are stronger then the drug, and sadly, that is not always the case majority of the time, especially prescription pills. Be humble, realize your weakness, work on strengthen them through challenging yourself and hard drugs won't even be taken but when you think you are superman, that little demon will show you who is god.
Listen to this song, and substitute Heroin with Prescription drugs or other hard drugs.
James Brown-King Heroin - YouTube