goldberg/hogan wasnt quite up there with warrior/hogan, but it wasnt far from it. but i dont understand the knock on the goldberg/hogan match. yall are applying wwf logic to wcw. and if its one thing that we can all take from this thread, its the fact that wcw and the wwf were too completely different companies with two different types of fans, especially when it comes to the die-hard fans of those promotions.
the fact that it was moreso impromptu and handled in 4 days is a good thing. thats much more fun & exciting than it being long, drawn-out & predictable to the point where we already know how its gonna end months beforehand.(thats why wrestlemania is usually anti-climatic to me).it also symbolizes goldberg's rise & run to a T.
i dont see the problem. most of the people talking about how much money wcw missed out on, dont buy ppvs anyway.

most of yall should be happy that they gave yall a free look. also, this is why wcw ppvs were generally better than the wwf's. the wwf put all their eggs in one basket, which reduced most of their ppvs to being throw-a-ways. as opposed to wcw who dropped great ppvs & great tv shows all year around. one of the many reasons why they were bussin the wwf's ass.
and its like yall said, warrior/hogan was a bigger spectacle. and real spit, it wouldve remained that way regardless of whether or not they dragged the match to a ppv. with warrior/hogan, you had the 2 biggest faces of a generation colliding in their primes(hogan's prime being debateable but still). THIS WAS UNHEARD OF. and best of all, it wasnt clear-cut as to who would win. there was so much riding on this. you really cant compare goldberg/hogan to this at all. and thats not a knock on goldberg/hogan. its just that warrior/hogan was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. we may NEVER see anything like that again.
on top of that, people(mostly wwf fans) seriously expected them to drag it out to starcade, which was like 5-6 months away? wcw didnt do corny stuff like that. nor would they be able to hog the belt in that manner with it being way too much going on at the time with them having the goat roster.
its criminal how he gets glossed over in this debates. hes clearly bigger than half the names mentioned.
lex luger's return to wcw predates the formation of the nwo by about 9 months, and it was a huge deal.
to say that he was over in the nitro era because of the nwo is ludicrous.
wrestling exists outside of '90s wwf fans. you dont REALLY know lex luger's wave.
its common knowledge that the wwf nearly killed luger's career with all the lex express & hogan-lite bullchit. sure he was pushed, but he wasnt pushed properly. and the wwf is at fault for that.......and thru it all, he still was bigger than shawn michaels over there.
also, your description of his 2nd wcw run is way off, and youre completely ignoring his '80s/early '90s nwa/wcw run which is what made his name to begin with.
i can walk into a room full of people and say the names "lex luger" and "john cena".and chances are, the vast majority of them will be familiar with luger's name, while most likely not even knowing what a john cena is.