Goldberg is bigger than Michaels. Now a non draw is Macho level? Hahaha...The gall of it all.
Goldberg is bigger than Michaels. Now a non draw is Macho level? Hahaha...The gall of it all.
warrior didnt care about the bolded like that breh. that was always one of the things he was criticized for. his lack of love for the business. so you cant turn around and try to put that on him too. its either one or the other.
everybodies success coincides with something dog. and if he was just in the right place/right time like youre painting it, then they could easily make another warrior. the same way theres guys in the promotion right now that have already surpassed hbk & bret in what they excelled at.
and lets not pretend that vince hasnt ALWAYS been favorable to the monsters and super heroes, no matter what the era. hence, the reason why cena & batista have been at the forefront for the past decade. and theyre still not the warrior.
Shawn > Savage in terms of a wrestler.
Savage > Shawn in terms of a bigger draw / personality.
Shawn > Savage in terms of a wrestler.
Savage > Shawn in terms of a bigger draw / personality.
Cena is a bigger star than Macho Man was.
Justin Bieber is a bigger star than Nas
More commercial success doesn't imply greater artistic merit
But the numbers state that he's one of the most popular (merch sales would confirm this), biggest drawing (look at those WM records) wrestlers ever. Top 4 along with Hogan, Austin and Rock undeniably.
He's also been booked to go over everyone for years and years, which you've already said you see as an indicator of greatness in Warrior's case.
A Prime Bret would have beaten a Prime Savage, but Savage would have outshined him.
Bret Hart was one of the most winning-est wrestlers ever, he's actually in the top ten of all time champions when it comes to win ratio, he's ahead of Austin, Flair, Hogan, HBK, Savage and Rock. Warrior is the only one I know that is higher than him
Or you could put it the other way, look at the lack of help he's had in maintaining WWE's mainstream relevance. All of the other big mainstream star wrestlers had other big mainstream wrestlers in their era to help carry the load: Hogan, Macho Man and Warrior (although Hogan became mainstream before that). Austin, Rock, nWo, Goldberg (briefly), etc.
And lack of competition (ie being the only current-era guy who is a mainstream star) is actually an argument in his favour. It means he should get extra credit for those big WM buyrates and attendances...right?
Cena is bigger than Michaels too and if THAT don't hurt, I don't know what does![]()
42 votes..haha...ain't no black/latino(not the sissified ones at least) gonna say Shawn Michaels is better than Macho Man. They always expose themselves...The undercover whites..The racists...dudes who hate dark skinned chicks...showing themselves yet again. Lol.
uh not to that level because if there isnt another right place right time they cant. no place or time will ever be as good as the one warrior benefited from (andre/hogan/macho wave). and you know what..Ryback was a mini warrior but his push got randomly halted. he was super over. Goldberg surpassed Warrior easily due to equal popularity (at least) and he had a longer career and was better in the ring by a country mile. Reigns is on his way too. Both of these two got over because of epic winning streaks, power and the mystique of barely talking. Warrior obviously is way above Ryback (its not close) as a draw at their peaks but it was similar in fashion. Ryback even had the body splash and military press, how over were those moves now? they put people to sleep unless 1) the body splash is by a super heavyweight and 2) the press is done to a heavyweight...if the body splash was used as a finisher now by someone not heavy? itd be teh worst finisher in the business.
Cena also has gotten over due to epic winning as a major baby face despite limited move-set..but he can actually cut a promo. Warrior was a mega draw for a very short time but what actual value did he bring to the company? Who did he put over? Who did he make look good and not squash? How long was his draw continued into the future for money? The answers are: Very little, no one, no one and very little.
and who in the company has surpassed hbk and bret in what they excelled at? no one right now "in what they excelled at" can be put above either of them in any list, at all.![]()
1. I should hope so, its not difficult for anyone that is.
2. We, at least I am, not talking about Warrior. We are talking about Macho Man Randy Savage a guy who's career actually spans LONGER than HBK's. I'm just now reading this thread, so I'm still focused at the topic at hand. HBK doesn't trump Savage in all of those catergories
3. <-- 3, not 2, you are smarter than this. But seriously, if you are ONLY talking about a kayfabe basis and not the real life business aspects of it, on what level would HBK be higher than Savage? Or is HBK/Savage not what you are speaking on anymore?
You think the only thing that separated Warrior from Ryback was timing and a strong push?uh not to that level because if there isnt another right place right time they cant. no place or time will ever be as good as the one warrior benefited from (andre/hogan/macho wave). and you know what..Ryback was a mini warrior but his push got randomly halted. he was super over. Goldberg surpassed Warrior easily due to equal popularity (at least) and he had a longer career and was better in the ring by a country mile. Reigns is on his way too. Both of these two got over because of epic winning streaks, power and the mystique of barely talking. Warrior obviously is way above Ryback (its not close) as a draw at their peaks but it was similar in fashion. Ryback even had the body splash and military press, how over were those moves now? they put people to sleep unless 1) the body splash is by a super heavyweight and 2) the press is done to a heavyweight...if the body splash was used as a finisher now by someone not heavy? itd be teh worst finisher in the business.
Cena also has gotten over due to epic winning as a major baby face despite limited move-set..but he can actually cut a promo. Warrior was a mega draw for a very short time but what actual value did he bring to the company? Who did he put over? Who did he make look good and not squash? How long was his draw continued into the future for money? The answers are: Very little, no one, no one and very little.
and who in the company has surpassed hbk and bret in what they excelled at? no one right now "in what they excelled at" can be put above either of them in any list, at all.![]()
Admittedly, Savage was in his prime in the 80's when having showstealing matches wasn't really emphasized, and he in fact gets credit for helping to steer the business in that direction, but when I'm ranking the GOATs, I'm going with "which best-of DVD am I keeping if I had to pick one?".
You think the only thing that separated Warrior from Ryback was timing and a strong push?
how so? by your logic, shouldnt jake the snake, brutus beefcake & jim duggan be as big as the warrior too? yall just dont want to give dude credit for nothin.
cena was never really over all like that. and i'll take the warrior's matches, promos, everything over cena anyday.
warrior didnt stick around long enough to compile a big list of people who he put over. i'd say that he put rick rude over as a main eventer, in the eyes of marks at least. and he gave papa shango a legacy to run with.
Right but you can't teach charisma. You either have it or you don't. Some have none, some have a little, some have a i said "mini warrior". warrior had 15x more charisma and more compelling promos when given the chance. ryback has been decent with the mic and is amusing but he barely spoke when he was at his peak so thats a moot point
To answer your question, I have HBK higher than Savage based on body of work mostly. I just think that he had more great matches (by a lot IMO), and was truly great for longer.
Admittedly, Savage was in his prime in the 80's when having showstealing matches wasn't really emphasized, and he in fact gets credit for helping to steer the business in that direction, but when I'm ranking the GOATs, I'm going with "which best-of DVD am I keeping if I had to pick one?". If someone else prefers Macho Man matches, or ranks based on different criteria (impact, persona, promos, whatever), that's fair enough.