I'm like a battered girlfriend I just can't leave. I remember what is used to be.
My major problems with this war.
There seems to be an ENDLESS amount of saviors no matter how many Rick n em kill they seem to have infinite body's.
The casualties on Ricks side are so meaningless. The few big battles where they lose a lot of people I have never seen most of those faces until they were on the ground dead in the aftermath.
The one that really gets me. Rick could have ended this at least twice already. When they are outside the sanctuary and Negan is basically dancing in front of them. All these great shots they don't even seem to aim at Negan. When they are fighting in Ricks house and Rick gets ahold of the bat and gives Negan a lovetap with it and dives out the window.
Anyway see you at 9pm 8pm central
Oh yeah another thing. I have no clue where the story is going but this should be the end. They should end with a brutal one on one between Rick and Negan. Rick eventually gets the best of him and kills him then rolls over and dies himself from his injuries. The end