It's great to see people coming together and celebrating De La's catalog like this. I think a lot of people who never listened to them will get put onto them now.
But it kinda depresses me that so many people missed out on such great music just because it wasn't on Spotify or Apple Music. De La's music is far from the only classics in hip hop that aren't on streaming. They're probably the highest profile but there's less celebrated music that I feel is getting lost to time due to not being on streaming, and probably won't ever go up on streaming.
If there is an album I want to listen to that isn't on streaming, I'll upload a copy to my Apple cloud if I own the physical, and if not I'll download it on Soulseek. But I know most people don't wanna jump through those hoops just to listen to an album, and I get it. I'm the type of psycho that will upload the OG version of DOOM's Kookies cause the mfs changed the beat on the streaming version.
But it's a damn shame there's good music out there people are missing out on.
I mean...damn near the entire 2000s mixtape run is lost to time.